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Re: [usb] Requesting help on crc decoder
CRC decoder incorporates logic using XOR gates. if u refer some
application notes etc, u may come to know of the exact
equations(formulae) to calculate CRC using 8/16/32 data bits. if u have
to calculate CRC serially as and when data bit is arrived, then study
the section 8.3.5 of USB1.1. in case u r not understanding, revert back
to the forum.
...Vikas Chandra Rao.
>>> amod_phadke@hotmail.com 02/23/03 01:46PM >>>
Dear Sir,
I am working on final year project for Bachelor of Engineering
(Communication). I am trying to implement CRC Decoder using VHDL.
Could you suggest an algorithm for higher error correction capability?
Thanking you,
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