if you can afford
them the pukka ('genuine' to non-UK readers) Xilinx and Altera boards are
probably good.
When I was buying
I couldn't afford the cheapest Xilinx board (minus the FPGA itself is 3x the
cost of the
boards I use at
the moment) and considering Xilinx makes them both you think they could bundle
Also the Xilinx
boards are for Virtex and Virtex-E devices not the Spartan II and II-E which I
would expect
are the defacto
'intro to FPGA programming chips'. I wouldn't suggest any 'newbies' spending
more than
$200 (USD) on a
development board before they find out whether they actually like hardware
A FPGA board is
for life not just for Christmas. ;-)
I have no
experience with the Alteras yet so can't comment on them but funds permitting
will be buying
Xess and
Altera boards next year.