Source: ../../rtrmgr/conf_tree_node.hh

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/rtrmgr/conf_tree_node.hh,v 1.9 2003/05/30 23:57:09 mjh Exp $


#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "libxorp/xorp.h"
#include "task.hh"

class RouterCLI;
class CommandTree;
class TemplateTreeNode;
class Command;
class TaskManager;

class ConfigTreeNode {
    ConfigTreeNode(const ConfigTreeNode& ctn);
    ConfigTreeNode(const string &node_name, const string &path, 
		   const TemplateTreeNode *ttn, 
		   ConfigTreeNode *parent, uid_t user_id);
    bool operator==(const ConfigTreeNode& them) const;
    void add_child(ConfigTreeNode *child);
    void remove_child(ConfigTreeNode *child);
    void add_default_children();
    void recursive_add_default_children();
    void set_value(const string &value, uid_t user_id);
    void mark_subtree_as_committed();
    void command_status_callback(Command *cmd, bool success);

    bool merge_deltas(uid_t user_id,
		      const ConfigTreeNode& delta_node, 
		      bool provisional_change,
		      string& response);

    bool merge_deletions(uid_t user_id,
			 const ConfigTreeNode& deletion_node, 
			 bool provisional_change,
			 string& response);
    void find_changed_modules(set <string>& changed_modules) const;
    void find_active_modules(set <string>& active_modules) const;
    void find_all_modules(set <string>& all_modules) const;
    void initialize_commit();
    bool commit_changes(TaskManager& task_manager,
			bool do_commit,
			int depth, int last_depth,
			string& result);
    bool check_commit_status(string &response) const;
    void finalize_commit();
    string discard_changes(int depth, int last_depth);
    int type() const;
    bool is_root_node() const {return _parent==NULL;}
    bool is_tag() const;
    bool is_leaf() const;
    const TemplateTreeNode* template_node() const {return _template;}
    string s() const;
    string typestr() const;
    const string& segname() const {return _segname;}
    const string& value() const;
    const string& named_value(const string& varname) const;
    void set_named_value(const string& varname, const string& value);
    uid_t user_id() const {return _user_id;}
    void set_existence_committed(bool exists) {_existence_committed = exists;}
    bool existence_committed() const {return _existence_committed;}
    bool deleted() const {return _deleted;}
    void undelete() {_deleted = false;}
    const TimeVal& modification_time() const {
	return _modification_time;
    const string& path() const {return _path;}
    void set_parent(ConfigTreeNode* parent) {_parent = parent;}
    ConfigTreeNode* parent() {return _parent;}
    const ConfigTreeNode* const_parent() const {return _parent;}
    list <ConfigTreeNode*>& children() {return _children;}
    const list <ConfigTreeNode*>& const_children() const {return _children;}
    string show_subtree(int depth, int indent, bool do_indent, 
			bool annotate) const;
    string str() const;
    void mark_subtree_for_deletion(uid_t user_id);
    void delete_subtree_silently();
    void clone_subtree(const ConfigTreeNode& orig_node);
    bool retain_different_nodes(const ConfigTreeNode& them, 
				bool retain_changed_values);
    void retain_common_nodes(const ConfigTreeNode& them);
    ConfigTreeNode* find_node(list <string>& path);
    void print_tree() const;
    bool expand_expression(const string& varname, string& value) const;
    bool expand_variable(const string& varname, string& value) const;
    void expand_varname_to_matchlist(const vector<string>& v, uint depth,
				     list <string>& matches) const;
    bool set_variable(const string& varname, string& value);
    void split_up_varname(const string& varname, 
			  list <string>& var_parts) const;
    string join_up_varname(const list <string>& var_parts) const;
    ConfigTreeNode* find_varname_node(const string& varname, VarType& type);
    const ConfigTreeNode* find_const_varname_node(const string& varname, 
						  VarType& type) const ;
    ConfigTreeNode* find_parent_varname_node(const list <string>& var_parts,
					     VarType& type);
    ConfigTreeNode* find_child_varname_node(const list <string>& var_parts,
					    VarType& type);

    const TemplateTreeNode *_template;
    bool _deleted; /* indicates node has been deleted, but commit has not 
		      yet happened */
    bool _has_value;
    string _value;
    string _committed_value;
    string _segname;
    string _path;
    ConfigTreeNode *_parent;
    list <ConfigTreeNode *> _children;
    uid_t _user_id;  /* the user ID of the user who last changed this node */
    uid_t _committed_user_id;  /* the user ID of the user who last
				changed this node before the last
    TimeVal _modification_time; /* when the node was last changed */
    TimeVal _committed_modification_time; /* when the node was last changed
					     before the last commit*/

    /*flags to keep track of what changes we've made since the last commit*/
    bool _existence_committed;  /* do we need to run %create commands */
    bool _value_committed; /* do we need to run %setting or %set commands */

    int _actions_pending; /*needed to track how many response
			    callbacks we expect during a commit */
    bool _actions_succeeded; /*did any action fail during the commit?*/
    Command *_cmd_that_failed;

    /*variables contains the explicit variables set on this node*/
    map <string, string> _variables;
    //on_parent_path is used during variable expansion to keep track
    //of where we came from.
    bool _on_parent_path;


Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Nov 6 23:47:10 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.