DDN MGT Bulletin: 9504 DISA DDN Defense Communications System 31 March 1995 Published by: DDN Network Info Center (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 365-3642 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network Information Center under DISA contract as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host [] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname for bulletins is ddn-news/ddn-mgt-bulletin-nn.txt (where "nn" is the bulletin number). ************************************************************************ THIS DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN SUPERCEDES DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN 9503, 7 FEBRUARY 1995. THIS BULLETIN PROVIDES UPDATED INFORMATION ON APPLICABLE SECURITY-RELATED DIRECTIVES, DDN USAGE FOR ADVERTISEMENT OR RECRUITING PURPOSES, AND CURRENT DDNNSO POINT-OF-CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS. REQUEST NODE SITE COORDINATORS AND HOST ADMINISTRATORS DISSEMINATE THIS INFORMATION TO ALL DDN USERS. ************************************************************************ SUBJECT: DDN SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS AND NETWORK CONDUCT This DDN Management Bulletin provides information regarding security policy, procedures and network conduct relative to the DDN community. It provides a general overview of the responsibilities of the DDN NSO, SCC, Host Administrator and Network User. It also includes point of contact information for the Network Security Officer and the Security Coordination Center. ********************************************************************** 1. There has been an increasing number of DOD policy violations concerning proper use of the Defense Data Network (DDN). These include unauthorized advertising, commercial organizational recruitment, electronic chain-letters, and transmission of unofficial or commercial information. 2. Network users are reminded that forwarding this type of unofficial correspondence is in direct violation of DOD policy. The Defense Data Network is intended "For Official Use Only". Only authorized users engaged in U.S. Government Business or applicable research or those who are directly involved in providing operations or systems support for Government-owned or -sponsored computer communications equipment may use the DDN. It is the policy of the U.S. Government that agencies shall establish and maintain a cost-effective system of internal controls to provide reasonable assurance that Government resources are protected against fraud, waste, mismanagement, or misappropriation. DODD 5200.28, DCAC 310-P70-79 and JCS MOP 195 apply. 3. Users of the DDN must not violate privacy or other applicable laws and should NOT use the networks for advertising or recruiting purposes, other than legitimate DOD-sponsored and/or authorized business and activities, without the express permission of the Defense Information Systems Agency. Unauthorized use of the DDN is illegal, and violators are subject to prosecution under Title 18 of the Federal Criminal Code. 4. Use of the DDN constitutes consent to adhere to DOD policy regarding security considerations and network conduct. DISA reserves the right to discontinue DDN access to any user(s) who are not conducting legitimate Government business/activity. 5. The DDN Network Security Officer (NSO) is the security point-of-contact within DISA for the operational management of the DDN. The NSO is responsible for establishing and issuing DDN operational security procedures and guidelines. The NSO conducts investigations of network-related security incidents, working closely with the SCC, network managers, host administrators and federal investigative agencies, as appropriate. The DISA NSO point-of- contact is listed below: RM1 Kyra T. Jenkins, DISA/WE3353, COMM: (703)735-8066, DSN: 653 E:mail JENKINSK@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL 6. The Security Coordination Center (SCC) acts in conjunction with the DDN NSO to coordinate actions related to security incidents and network vulnerabilities. The SCC relays security-related information to the NSO and works with him/her in handling network security problems. The SCC also issues DDN Security Bulletins to network users. The SCC can be reached by the following means: Phone: 1-800-365-DNIC or E:mail SCC@NIC.DDN.MIL. 7. Host Administrators are responsible for the enforcement of all DDN policies at their site(s), and for maintaining a reasonable level of protection from the possibility of network compromise. They must act as liaisons with the DDN Network Security Officer (DDNNSO), the Security Coordination Center (SCC), vendors, law enforcement bodies, and other appropriate agencies to resolve any outstanding security problems and prevent their recurrence. 8. Network users are responsible for keeping abreast of current security policy and guidelines. The DDN is routinely monitored and users are reminded that improper activity on the network is strictly prohibited. Violations should be reported in accordance with established procedures. Questions concerning procedures, security considerations and network conduct should be addressed to the appropriate host administrator, service or agency. 9. POC for this bulletin is RM1 Kyra T. Jenkins, DISA-WE3353, (703)735-8066.