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Re: [usb] about USB Function Core
On Wednesday 31 July 2002 03:04 am, SeokYeon Jeong wrote:
> I watch with deep concern USB 2.0 Function Core in the opencores.
> I am under contemplation to simuate this core.
SeokYeon Jeong:
I suggest you write your own USB 2.0 function core and do not
use my free core, since you are having such "deep concern". If you
want me to explain to you how the core works in great detail, you
can retain my companies consulting services. I don't have the time
to explain and support 50 people for free - I have job as well.
> I am reading carefully the manual and the Verilog RTL code.
> I think there are some mistakes in the manual and RTL.
> I'll attach these mistakes(??) I found until now.
> There may be more, and I'll post later.
> Please correct my misunderstanding.
> Regards,
> SeokYeon
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