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Re: [usb] Connecting two PCs (question to Kwanie)
Hi Olivier,
I have not personally worked with file transfer cable or host-host adapter.
>From what I have seen on the market, file transfer cables all come with
applications that are bounded to their drivers. Host-host adaptors' drivers
are usually bound to the some networking protocol in the OS (at least for
If you use the file transfer cable, the only way I can think of to get the
infomation you need is to write to the manufacturer and ask how you can
write an application that interfaces to their driver.
For host-host adaptor, I suppose you can write apps to run over 1 of the
networking protocol.
----- Original Message -----
From: <omaud@etud.insa-tlse.fr>
To: <usb@opencores.org>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 11:30 PM
Subject: RE: [usb] Connecting two PCs (question to Kwanie)
> > Personally, I'll do 2 apps to communicate with each other
> > over either a file transfer cable or host-host adaptor. One app
> > will be master and the other the slave. But that's just me
> > being lazy. J
> >
> Hi Kwanie,
> I did buy a file transfert cable but it is sold with a software. The main
problem is that it seems impossible to develop my own
> application (the application provided just allows a file transfert between
two computers). I would like to know if an adaptator
> which provides enough informations (endpoint types and how to use them,
informations to set in the reports, ...)
> to develop my own software, is available on the market?
> thanks for any informations,
> Olivier MAUD
> --
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