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RE: [usb] Connect two PC's
As far as I know, there isn't such a product in the market.
It doesn't seem like a common application to have "host PC to device PC",
because PC is by default configured as host. They don't come with generic
support for it to function as device - in both H/W and driver sense.
I suppose your project is to control the "device PC" from the "host PC"? If
this is the case, why don't you consider doing so at application layer. Your
host and device applications can run on top of the file transfer cable.
If you really want a "host PC to device PC" set-up, then you are likely to
need the stuff listed below.
On host PC,
1) USB device driver for the "device PC"
2) Application that runs on top of 1)
I am assuming the "device PC" function is not that of one of the class
devices, thus you will need your own USB driver just like any other other
vendor specific devices.
On device PC - for it to appear as a device,
1) USB device controller PC add-on card
2) PC's driver for 1)
3) Application that run on top of 2)
>From what I know, the is no USB device controller PC add-on card in the
market. Therefore, you will have to design and build it on your own - most
likely PCI. Which also means you will have to write your own driver for the
Hope I have been of help to you.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-usb@opencores.org [mailto:owner-usb@opencores.org] On Behalf
Of omaud@etud.insa-tlse.fr
Sent: 27 February 2002 16:08
To: usb@opencores.org
Subject: [usb] Connect two PC's
My project is to connect two PC's together. I know that cables for file
transfert do exist but I need to keep the host/device
structure (which means that I want a host PC and a device PC) which is not
provided by the file transfert cable. Does anyone
have heard about something providing this function?
Thanks so much for any pieces of information...
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