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[oc] Inquiry

I am curious how many potential commercial IP users
are on the list 'listening in'. Specifically I am
interested to hear from people from companies that
buy IP cores from various sources on a regular basis
and/or develop their own IP cores.

What I would like to know, are your opinions and
feelings about the IP cores that are offered on
OpenCores. Please let us have it !

1) What do you like about the Free IP Cores ?
2) What do you dislike ?
3) Do you use any IP cores from OpenCores ? (Which ?)
4) What would it take to make you use Free IP Cores
   from OpenCores ?
5) What would you like to see being developed next ?
6) In you opinion how can we gain commercial users
   for our free IP cores ?
7) Any other comments/suggestions ?

I would appreciate feedback from all you commercial
users. Also a brief info about your company and your
position in the company would be nice. All information
will be treated strictly confidential. I will post a
summary (with technical info only) to the list if I
do get enough replies.

Please email me directly: rudi(at)asics.ws

Thanks for the effort !

www.asics.ws   - Solutions for your ASIC needs -
FREE IP Cores  -->   http://www.asics.ws/  <---

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