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Re: [oc] Simulation Tools
Hello VLSI CHAMP and others,
I agree with Rudi's previous replies. A little extra information though:
When it comes to select a cost effective simulation tool and money (not
time) is the real issue, my opinion is that ModelSim is a less expensive
tool. (Then again, I too would choose Cadence if it were up to me)
Good luck!
/Bjorn Olsson
/InformAsic AB
>>I am really getting feature wise difference in the simulation tools u
>>mentioned in the reply. Can I get the cost wise difference? Like
>>supppose one wants to go for an economic solution for the simulation
>>tool, of course not at the cost of performance, then for which tool it
>>should go for?
> You should take this up with your local sales reps. I personally would
> go with Cadence for simulation tools.
> rudi
>>Thanks in advance,
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