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Re: [oc] Silicon Implementation

John Sheahan wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 07:48:54AM -0800, Ali Mashtizadeh wrote:
> I forgot to mention the scan , membist and jtag tools tools needed
> for the asic too.
> >
> > Can you suggest a FAST FPGA that uses Antifuse or NVRAM? 300K to 500K.
> > Cheap and low power? Price is more important than power I will probably
> > have to use a Li-ion battery anyways.
> Can you give me a hint as to what 'fast' is here and how many registers may
> clock at that rate?  approx how many IO, what flavor, what speed.
about 150 IO pins, and I would like to operate my design at 200-300Mhz.
I've synthesized my parts and the largest delay seems too limit the
design to a little 100Mhz on a Spartan II 200K.
> 400k asic gates would be 20Kff's, but if you are using
> fgpa accounting could be less.
I'm using an estimate from Xilinx Spartan II since I havn't synthesized
the whole thing and my estimate based on how much the parts take
seperately shows I need about 300K - 500K gates. (I have two projects).

> Actel have biggish antifuse stuff.
Yes, actel's the best I've found so far, I'll have too wait until they
reach their goal in a couple of months for the lower end ProAsic+ since
the price of those are a lot better than what I've seen for quicklogic
and it's fast with pleanty of block ram for cache and tlb etc. I was
looking for 10KBs or so and their close and even more than enough if I
get the APA450. Do you have any experience with actel chips that you
could compare the performance/density between actel proasic and some
xilinx chip (Spartan II or Virtex).

> Cypress has ee stuff that large.
I'll check them out.
> quiklogic has/had some interesting stuff too.
Quicklogic's too expensive, Prices are a lot steeper than xilinx.

> the sram based things (eg virtex or spartan out of Xilinx, apex and
> acex out of Altera is a two chip solution, not one,  but usually is
> lower power.    I [refer these architectures.
> some of them now have encrypted bitmaps for security if thats the
No, I just want instant on feature and don't you have to keep the FPGA
with a battery to power the decryption key?

> issue.  Soldering down those ball grids will be a pain.
Ball grids aren't that bad. Just heat them up from under the board and
they just sink in, it's a pain getting it in the right position though.

> I'm sure there are a bunch more I've not looked at or forgotten..
> john
> --
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