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Re: [oc] Again! modulo arithmetic hardware

Why don't you just convert 4 of the bits into bcd with a simple look up
table or logic?


jae lim wrote:
> Hello everyone
> Thank you for your reply.
> I am trying to generate a random number that is
> between [0, 9), let us say R. Frist I use LFSR to
> generate a number that is between [0,64), let say L,
> and then doing modulo arithmetic in forms of R mod L
> in order to make the the real random number that I
> want locating between [0, 9). This random number is
> used in the arbiter, so I want to make it take as less
> clock cycle as possible. Do you guys have any idea how
> to implement it?
> Thank you very much!!
> Jay
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