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Re: [oc] legal advice
On Wednesday 13 February 2002 07:44 pm, you wrote:
> Hello Damjan,
> Stricto sensu, MIPS meaning is : Mega Instructions Per Second. I have
> found this acronym for years in books.
Actually it's "Millions Instructions Per Second" ! But close enough ...
It doesn't really matter if OpenCores violates anything or not. As
long as MIPS does not like what they see, and threaten to go to
court, OpenCores is screwed. Damjan and the authors can try to
work with MIPS and see if it will satisfy MIPS if they remove all
references to MIPS.
My guess is not, just as Jim states in his letter, they have not
reviewed the code yet, hoping OpenCores will cry uncle and
remove those pages all together just as they did with Arm. If
they do review the code (even if it is a clean-room implementation)
if it violates any of their patents (or if they think it does) they will
sue OpenCores for infringement.
Best thing to do is to try to contact the Free Software Foundation,
or EFF, or whoever might be able to help ...
> This case is typical of american behaviour, where lawiers earn much than
> engineers...
Lets start a French are better than the Americans debate !!!
Lawyers have always earned more than engineers !!!
> Best regards,
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