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RE: [oc] Re: How to create such signal wave using VHDL?
hi all!!
i have been observing the interesting conversations
going on thru these mails. and i feel happy tht i am a
part of it.
i am a fresher from OU, Hyderabad, India. i have a
background in verilog coding of a few simple cores
like a fifo controller, implementation of booths alg,
a simple microcontroller(reasonably simplified, o'coz)
now that i'm in my final sem, i am required to
complete a decent project. can any one help me with an
interesting core to code in verilog? i am inclined to
code some networking protocol which might give my
career a good start. but i am ready to take up any
thing which is good enough to stand as a graduate
i request all of u to help me out.
Thank you.
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