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[oc] [FPGA] topology search
Since FPGA architecture with horizontal and vertical channels are patented
(e.g. by Xilinx and others, I think), I propose new routing FPGA topology,
can give better results. Idea for such topology is taken with author's
(Roman Trobec et al.) and its free. I've created small program, which
tries topologies randomly (also with some hill climbing heuristic), but it
cannot guarantee, that optimal solution will be found. But if we search
space in more detail we may find better or optimal solution, if we are
If anyone has a lot of processing power can compile (with max. optimization)
and run it. (search for optimal solution would last at least 180 days on my
computer, and that is with some intuitive asumptions, what should optimum
look like).
Program is in really bad shape, for which I appologize, but I didn't have
time to clean it and document it.
The idea is to get lower number (on the right) as possible.
My best result is 10.62. If you get lower number please send me a copy
of that (entire) line. Left numbers specify connections on 2D mesh.
If anyone is interesting what his/her machine is/was doing I can pass more
detailed explanation.
[see attached topology.cpp]