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Re: [oc] Wishbone historical perspective and a proposal to theOpenCores group
Whoops! I guess I didn't mean that I'd take over your project. In fact, I
don't even know exactly what it is. By "WISHBONE technical consultant or
leadership role" I meant that I'd be happy to act as a WISHBONE advisor (i.e.
provide technical support), or take a more active role in defining the system
integration or changing the WISHBONE spec. That would be my contribution. I'm
swamped with work right now, but I would be happy to spend some time working the
SoC integration issues in an advisory role.
How about this: the group attempts to use WISHBONE 'as-is'. However, if
somebody runs into problems or need changes made, then I'll noodle out the
changes to the spec and make them. The group can decide what's appropriate, and
provide guidance as to what they want.
My goal here is to get the OpenCores group doing SoC with WISHBONE. Not only
does this spread the 'gospel' of the compatible IP core, but I'm hoping to see
WISHBONE compatible IP on your website some day.
> Wade,
> I like that proposal !
> I would also love it if you could be the administrative and technical
> lead on that project (there is no management - we are all self motivated
> individuals ;*).
> I think everybody would benefit this, Silicore, OpenCores, and others.
> rudi
> on 1/3/01 22:41, Wade D. Peterson at wadep@silicore.net wrote:
> >
> ...
> >
> >
> > -------------------------------
> > I propose the following to the OpenCores group:
> >
> > 1) Silicore would put the copyright for all WISHBONE related materials into
> > the
> > public domain. This would include the spec, website FAQ, ap notes and other
> > materials.
> > 2) I would make final corrections to the spec, and publish it as 'REV B
> > (preliminary)'.
> > 3) The OpenCores group would take over the stewardship for the standard.
> > would allow the group to make changes to WISHBONE as they see fit. [I am
> > assuming that OpenCores has some kind voting system to make changes to
> > things].
> > 5) Silicore would join OpenCores to garner voting rights.
> > 6) I would make myself available in a WISHBONE technical consultant or
> > leadership role.
> >
> > As always - questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Wade D. Peterson
> > Silicore Corporation
> > 6310 Butterworth Lane
> > Corcoran, MN USA 55340
> > TEL: (763) 478-3567, FAX: (763) 478-3568
> > URL: www.silicore.net E-MAIL: wadep@silicore.net
> >
> >
> >
> >