Project Name :  IDEA Core


The IDEA (InternationalData Encryption Algoritma) is a symetric-key block cipher that can encrypts 64-bits plaintexs to 64-bit ciphertexts using a 128-bit key, usedfor secure communications.  It is also can do descryption with thesame block   using  the same key.

It consists of 8 computationally  identical rounds and an output transformation. A 64-bit input block is divided into four 16-bit blocks which become theinput blocks to the first round of the algorithm. In each of the eighttotal rounds, the four subblocks are XORed, added, and multiplied withone another and with six 16-bit subkeys.

IDEA runs  in177 MBps  speed on hardware implementation.

The IDEA block cipheris found by J. L. Massey and X. Lay.


Design Stages :

Figure 1. The Block Diagram of IDEA Core

Figure 2. The IDEA Machine Block

Download The Source Code (*.tar.gz):



Maintainers and Authors :

IDEA Processor development team

current members :
