The Project Gutenberg EBook of Osage Traditions by J. Owen Dorsey This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Osage Traditions Author: J. Owen Dorsey Release Date: October 4, 2006 [Ebook #19464] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK OSAGE TRADITIONS*** Osage Traditions by J. Owen Dorsey Edition 1, (October 4, 2006) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION—BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. TRADITIONS OF THE ELDERS. UNŬn’U¢ÃÊžE. TSÃOU WACTÃÊžE ITÃ*P*E. UNŬn’ U¢ÃÊžE. QÜ¢ÃPASAn ITÃ*P*E. CONCLUDING REMARKS. ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. 389. Symbolic chart of the Osage. OSAGE TRADITIONS. BY REV. J. OWEN DORSEY. INTRODUCTION. When the author visited the Osage, in the Indian Territory, in January, 1883, he learned of the existence of a secret society of seven degrees, in which, it was alleged, the traditions of the people have been preserved to the present time. Owing to the shortness of his visit, one month and eleven days, he was unable to gain more than fragmentary accounts of the society, including parts of two traditions, from several Osage who had been initiated. The version of the first tradition was dictated to the author by Ha*d*a-ɔüʇse (Red Corn), a halfbreed Osage of the TsÃÉ”u wactáʞe gens. He obtained it from Sa*d*eki¢e. Ha*d*a-ɔüʇse was adopted in childhood by a white man named Matthews, who sent him to a Jesuit college in Missouri(?) to be educated for the priesthood. But the boy left the institution after he had been taught to read and write, as he did not wish to become a priest. He took the name of William P. Matthews, but among his white associates he is known as Bill Nix. He has tried several occupations and is now an Indian doctor. The author was inclined at first to underrate Mr. Matthews’s accomplishments and stock of information, but subsequently changed his opinion of him, as he obtained much that agreed with what had been furnished by members of other tribes in former years. Besides, the author obtained partial accounts of similar traditions from other Osage, who used the same chant which Ha*d*a-ɔüʇse had sung. None of the younger Osage men knew about these matters and the author was urged not to speak to them on this subject. He observed that several of the elder men, members of the secret order in which these traditions are preserved, had parts of the accompanying symbolic chart (Fig. 389) tattooed on their throats and chests. This chart is a fac simile of one that was drawn for the author by Ha*d*a-ɔüʇse. At the top we see a tree near a river. The tree is a cedar, called the tree of life. It has six roots, three on each side. Nothing is said about this tree till the speaker nearly reaches the end of the tradition. Then follows the "ceremony of the cedar." The tree is described very minutely. Then follows a similar account of the river and its branches. [Illustration: FIG. 389. Symbolic chart of the Osage.] FIG. 389. Symbolic chart of the Osage. Just under the river, at the left, we see a large star, the Red or Morning Star. Next are six stars, Ta¢a*d*¢in. The Omaha know a similar group, which they call "Minxa si ʇañga," or "Large foot of a goose." Next is the Evening Star; and last comes the small star, "Mikak’ĕ-É”iñʞa." Beneath these four we see the seven stars, or Pleiades (Mikak’ĕ u*d*átse pé¢Ån*d*a, the Seven Gentes of Stars), between the Moon (on the left) and the Sun (on the right). Beneath these are the peace pipe (on the left) and the hatchet (on the right). A bird is seen hovering over the four upper worlds. These worlds are represented by four parallel horizontal lines, each of which, except the lowest one, is supported by two pillars. The lowest world rests on a red oak tree. The journey of the people began at a point below the lowest upper world, on the left side of the chart. Then the people had neither human bodies nor souls, though they existed in some unknown manner. They ascended from the lowest upper world, on the left, to the highest. There they obtained human souls in the bodies of birds, according to Sa*d*eki¢e. ÊžahiÊže-waʇayiñʞa said that there they met a male red bird, to whom they appealed for aid. (See p. 383, line 18.) This was distinct from the female Red Bird, who gave them human bodies. They descended to the first world, and from that they traveled until they alighted on the red oak tree. (See p. 383, line 30.) The ground was covered with grass and other kinds of vegetation. Then the paths of the people separated: some marched on the left, being the peace gentes that could not take life; they subsisted on roots &c.; while those on the right killed animals. By and by the gentes exchanged commodities. The small figures on the left, in going from the tree (on the right when facing the tree), show the heavenly bodies or beings to whom the Black Bear went for help, and those on the right, in going from the tree (on the left when facing the top of the chart), show similar bodies or beings to whom the WaÉ”aÉ”e or war gentes applied for assistance. These are unknown to the members of the TsÃÉ”u gentes. After the female red bird gave bodies to the TsÃÉ”u people, the Black Bear found seven skins, which were used for tents. Subsequently the people discovered four kinds of rocks, which were the In’qÄ• sá*d*e, or black rock; In’qÄ• tá¹µhá¹µ,(1) or blue (green?) rock; In’qÄ• ɔüʇse, or red rock; and In’qÄ• skă, or white rock. Therefore, when a child is named, four stones are heated for the sweat bath. After finding the rocks, according to ÊžahiÊže-waʇayiñʞa, four buffalo bulls approached the people, as one of the men was returning to the company. When the first bull arose after rolling on the ground, an ear of red corn and a red pumpkin fell from his left hind leg. The leader of the TsÃÉ”u wactáʞe noticed them, and asked his younger brother to pick them up and taste them. The leader of the Bald Eagle subgens did so. Then the elder brother said: "These will be good for the children to eat. Their limbs will stretch and increase in strength." When the second bull arose after rolling, an ear of spotted corn and a spotted pumpkin dropped from his left hind leg. These, too, were tasted and declared good for the children. When the third bull arose after rolling, an ear of dark corn and a dark (black?) pumpkin dropped from his left hind leg. From the left hind leg of the fourth buffalo dropped an ear of white corn and a white pumpkin. Therefore, when a child is named in the TsÃÉ”u gens (alone?) the head man of that gens (ÊžahiÊže-waʇayiñʞa himself, according to his statement) takes a grain of each kind of corn and a slice of each variety of pumpkin, which he puts into the mouth of the infant. Ha*d*a-ɔüʇse knew that the four kinds of rocks were found, "but he could not say in what part of the tradition the account belonged. He said that subsequently the WaÉ”aÉ”e and TsÃÉ”u gentes came to the village of the Hañ’ʞa-utá¢anʇse, a very war-like people, who then inhabited earth lodges. They subsisted on animals, and bodies of all kinds lay around their village, making the air very offensive. The TsÃÉ”u succeeded at last in making peace with the Hañ’ʞa-utá¢anʇse. After this followed the part of the account given to the author by ÊžahiÊže-waʇayiñʞa: "After the council between the TsÃÉ”u, WaÉ”aÉ”e, and Hañ’ʞa-utá¢anʇse, two old men were sent off to seek a country in which all might dwell. One of these was a TsÃÉ”u wactáʞe and the other a PanÉ¥ka-wactáʞe. Each man received a pipe from the council and was told to go for seven days without food or drink. He carried a staff to aid him in walking. Three times a day he wept, in the morning, at noon, and near sunset. They returned to the people at the end of the seven days, being very thin. The report of the TsÃÉ”u man was accepted, so the TsÃÉ”u gens is superior to the PanÉ¥ka-wactáʞe or Watsetsi. A WaÉ”aÉ”e man acted as crier and told all about the new home of the nation. All the old men decorated their faces with clay. The next morning the two old men who had gone in search of the new home led their respective sides of the nation, who marched in parallel roads. When they reached the land the policemen ran around in a circle, just as they do previous to starting to war. The WaÉ”aÉ”e man ran around from right to left and the ¢uqe man from left to right. At different stations the two old leaders addressed the people. Finally the men took sharp pointed sticks, which they stuck into the ground, each one saying ’I wish my lodge to be here.’ The next day the Cuka or messenger of the TsÃÉ”u old man went to summon the Elk crier. The latter was ordered to make a proclamation to all the people, as follows: ’They say that you must remove to-day! Wakanʇa has made good weather! They say that you must remove today to a good land!’ In those days the Osage used dogs instead of horses. When the old TsÃÉ”u man made his speech, he went into details about every part of a lodge, the fireplace, building materials, implements, &c. Four sticks were placed in the fireplace, the first pointing to the west. When this was laid down, the TsÃÉ”u leader spoke about the West Wind, and also about a young buffalo bull (Tseʇu’-É”iñʞa), repeating the name Wani’e-skă. When the stick at the north was laid down, he spoke of Tsehe quʇse (gray buffalo horns) or a buffalo bull. When the stick at the east was laid down he spoke of TseʇuÊža tañʞa (a large buffalo bull). On laying down the fourth stick at the south, he spoke of Tse minÊža (a buffalo cow). At the same time a similar ceremony was performed by the aged PanÉ¥ka man on the right side of the tribe.(2) "In placing the stick to the east, Taʇse Êžaqpa tsÄ•, The East Wind, and Tahe ca*d*e, Dark-Horned Deer, were mentioned; to the north, Taʇse *P*asan tsÄ•, The North Wind, and The Deer with gray horns were mentioned; to the west, Taʇse Man’ha tsÄ•, The West Wind, and an animal which makes a lodge and is with the Tahe pasiÊže were mentioned; to the south, T]aʇse Ak’a tsÄ•, The South Wind, and Ta wañka he aʞ¢aÉ”Ä skutañʞa were mentioned."(3) ÊžahiÊže-waʇayiñʞa gave no further information, as a reported case of smallpox near the agency led the author to start for the East February 21, 1883. Since then he has learned of the existence of similar societies among the Kansa and the Ponka, and he suspects that there were formerly such societies among the Omaha.(4) TRADITIONS OF THE ELDERS. In presenting the accompanying traditions, the following abbreviations are used in the interlinear translations: an., _animate_. cv., _curvilinear_. du., _dual_. in., _inanimate_. mv., _moving_. ob., _object_. pl., _plural_. recl., _reclining_. sing., _singular_. st., _sitting_. std., _standing_. sub., _subject_. UNŬn’U¢ÃÊžE. TSÃOU WACTÃÊžE ITÃ*P*E. (Tradition of the TsÃÉ”u wactáʞe gens.)(5) 1 | Ɔiñʞa | weháʞi¢e(6): | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká!(7) | Child | last | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wisÅñ’ʞa, | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe, |éʞi añká(8): | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother | child | body | they have none | he saw saying that | he really said | O grandfater! 3 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | añʞúʞiʇse tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | we shall seek ours | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wisÅñ’ʞa, | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe úsakÃ*d*a(9) | win’qtsi | ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Parallel upper worlds | one | to it | came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! 6 | ĔʇsÃqtsi | nÃkacÃÊža-*d*áɔÄ(10): | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Just there | they were not human beings | he really said | O grandfather! | Há | wisÅñ’ʞa! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother | child | body | they have none | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | añʞúʞiʇsé tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | we shall seeks ours | he really said | O grandfather! 9 | Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ¢Ån’*d*a | ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Parallel upper worlds | two | to it | came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | ĔʇsÃqtsi | nÃkacÃÊža-*d*áɔÄ: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Just there | they were not human beings | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wisÅñ’ʞa! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother | child | body | they have none | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! 12 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | añʞúʞiʇsé tatsé: á*d*intaú, Tsiká! | Child | body | we shall seek ours | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ¢a*d*¢in | ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Parallel upper worlds | three | there | came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | ĔʇsÃqtsi | nÃkacÃÊža-*d*áɔÄ: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Just there | they were not human beings | he really said | O grandfather! 15 | Há | wisÅñ’ʞa! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother | child | body | they have none | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | añʞúʞiʇsé tatsé: | ádintaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | we shall seek ours | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ʇú*d*a | ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká!(11) | Parallel upper worlds | four | there | came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! 18 | ĔʇsÃqtsi | nÃkacÃÊža é(12): | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Just there | they were human beings | he really said | O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | É”iñ’ʞa | cuÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e ¢añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | child | body | they were without | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | añʞúʞiʇse | anman’¢in tá*d*etse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | we seek ours | we shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! 21 | Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ¢á*d*¢ni | ĕ’ʇsi tsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Parallel upper worlds | three | there came this way and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža-*d*Ã¡É”Ä | é | e¢á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | had no bodies | that | indeed, he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wisÅñ’ʞa! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother | child | body | they have none | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! 24 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | añʞúʞiʇse | anman’¢in tá*d*etse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | we seek ours | we shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ¢Ån’*d*a | ĕ’ʇsi tsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Parallel upper worlds | two | there came this way and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | kÃi¢a-*d*áɔÄ: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | they did not find for | he really said | O grandfather! 27 | Há, | wisÅñ’ʞa! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother | child | body | they have none | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tá*d*etse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | examination | we shall make | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe usakÃ*d*a | win’qtsi | ĕ’ʇsi tsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Parallel upper worlds | one | there came this way and stood | he really said | O grandfather! 30 | Pü’sühü | win | átsi ánaÉ”in añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Red oak | one | they came to and stood on | he really said | O grandfather! 31 | HÅn’*d*a | ¢áʞ¢inqtsi | ĕ’ʇsi | tsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Day | very good | there | came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Káxe-wáhü-san(13) | ¢é-na: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Crow bone white | he who was mv. in the past | he really said | O grandfather! 33 | ¢útsi naÉ”in’ | é | e¢á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Came directly to him and stood | he said | indeed, he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wiÉ”in¢é: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | elder brother! | he really said | O grandfather! | Cáʞe | ʇsüʇsean’ ¢akcâĕ | manhnin’ tatsé(14): | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Paws | you burn them for me | you shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! 36 | Há, | Káxe-wáhü-san! | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | crow bone white! | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! | Wátse-ʇúka-na(15) | ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’ añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Male animal who touched a foe in the past | there | he arrived and was standing | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! 39 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | they have none | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse(16): | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | I who sit(?) | apt | he really said | O grandfather! | Wákanʇá| ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ(17), | éʞi añʞá: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only | I am I-not | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! 42 | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Wátse-min’ʞa-na | ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’ añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Female animal who had touched a foe in the past | there | he arrived and was std. | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | Ãɥʞué! | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandmother! | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! 45 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞe añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | they have none | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | I who sit | apt | he really said | O grandfather! 47 | Wákanʇá | ʞána | *d*¢in-mácÄ, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaÅ, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | she was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Han’*d*a-ʇan | wákanʇá | ¢iñkcĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | During the day | mysterious one | to the ob. | he arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué | éʞi añká | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! 51 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | wÃtsiÊžué | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |they have none | grandfather! | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |I who sit | apt | he really said |O grandfather! | Wákanʇá | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that |I am I-not | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! 54 | CÅnÅnckÃtá | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Wákanʇá | han’ | ¢iñkcà | ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | night | the st. ob. | there | he arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | he really said | O grandfather! 57 | Ɔiñʞa | cuÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | wÃtsiÊžué | eÊži añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |they have none | grandfather! | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |I who sit | apt | he really said |O grandfather! | Wákanʇá | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! 60 | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Mikák’ĕ | pé¢ún*d*a(18) | ¢iñkcà | ĕ’ʇsi | tsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Star | seven | the cv. ob. | to it | he came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | he really said | O grandfather! 63 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | wÃtsiÊžué | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |they have none | grandfathers! | she was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |I who sit | apt | he really said |O grandfather! | Wákanʇá | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! 66 | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! 67 | Tá | ¢a*d*¢in | ¢iñkcĕ’ʇsi | tsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Deer | three | to the st. an. object | he came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | he really said | O grandfather! 69 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | wÃtsiÊžué | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |they have none | grandfather | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |I who | apt | he really said |O grandfather! | Wákanʇá | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! 72 | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Mikák’ĕ | tañ’ʞa | han’*d*a-ʇan’ | ¢iñkci’ | ĕ’ʇsi | tsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Star | large | during the day | the st. ob. | there | he came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | he really said | O grandfather! 75 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | wÃtsiÊžué | éʞi añká | e: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |they have none | grandfather | he was saying that | that| he really said |O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | I who | apt | he really said |O grandfather! | Wákanʇá | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! 78 | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Mikák’ĕ | É”iñ’ʞa | ¢iñkci’ | ĕ’ʇsi | tsà naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Star | small | the st. an. ob. | there | he came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | he really said | O grandfather! 81 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | wÃtsiÊžué | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |they have none | grandfather | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | miñkcé | ¢an’tse: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body | I who | apt | he really said | O grandfather! | Wákanʇá | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! 84 | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | WaÉ”iñ’ʞa | ɔü’ʇse | ¢e-ná | tsÃhe | uÊžÃʞ¢in qtsi ¢iñkcé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Bird | red | the one mv. in the past | nest | she was sitting in her own | he really said | O grandfather! | Ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’ añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | There | he arrived and was standing | he really said | O grandfather! 87 | Há, | iɥʞú! | é añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandmother! | he was saying | he really said | O grandfather! 88 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | éʞi añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká!(19) | Child | body | they have none | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža wÃÊži¢e | ¢an’tsé, | é ¢iñkcé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | I cause you to have my body | apt | she was saying as she sat | he really said | O grandfather! 90 | Ahü-sáʞi | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | áhü-sáʞi | man¢in’ tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Wing hard | that one | child | wing hard | shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! | Ãhü-sáʞi | amá ¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | áhü-sáki | tatsé: á*d*intaú, Tsiká! | Wing hard | the other one | child | wing hard | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! | Taqpü’ | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | taqpü’ | man¢in’ tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Crown of the head | that cv. ob. | child | crown of the head | shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! 93 | âetsÄ• | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | âetsÄ• | man¢in’ tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mouth | that cv. ob. | child | mouth | shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! | Pé | ¢é¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | pé | man¢in’ tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Forehead | this cv. ob. | child | forehead | shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! | Táhütse | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | táhütse | man¢in’ tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Neck | that cv. ob. | child | neck | shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! 96 | Wé¢ahnin | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | wé¢ahnin | man¢in’ tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Gullet | that cv. ob. | child | gullet | shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! | Mañ’ʞe | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | mañ’ʞe | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Chest | that cv. ob. | child | chest | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! | ¢ü’we-uq¢úk’a | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | ¢ü’we-uq¢úk’a | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Bowels | that cv. ob. | child | bowels | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! 99 | Ɔéʞutañ’ʞa | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | ɔéʞutañ’ʞa | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Thighs | that cv. ob. | child | thighs | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! | Câanʇse | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | câanʇse | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Knee | that cv. ob. | child | knee | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! | Náqpü | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | náqpü | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Calf of leg | that cv. ob. | child | calf of leg | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! 102| Sâeʇse | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | sâeʇse | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Heel | that cv. ob. | child | heel | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! | Sipá | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | sipá | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Toe | that cv. ob. | child | toe | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! | SÃpu-itáxe | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | sÃpu-itáxe | tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Tip of toe | that cv. ob. | child | tip of toe toe | shall (be) | he really said | O grandfather! 105 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | its’é | ¢iñʞĕ’qtsi | manhnin’ tá*d*etsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | cause of death | without any at all | ye shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! 106 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | ¢anÃkacÃÊža |manhnin’ tá*d*etsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Children | you are human beings |you shall walk | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | únian | ʞá¢iñkcé | É”iñ’ʞa | únian’wÃkci¢ĕ: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | speech (?) | that | child | I cause you to speak (?) | he really said | O grandfather! The rest of this tradition was not obtained. _Translation_. The following translation is arranged in lines to correspond to the lines in the original text: 1 The first of the race Was saying, "Ho, younger brother! the children have no bodies. 3 "We shall seek bodies for our children. "Ho, younger brother! you shall attend to it." They reached one upper world and stood. 6 There they were not human beings. "Ho, younger brother! the children have no bodies," he was saying. "We must seek bodies for our children." 9 They reached the second upper world and stood. There they were not human beings. "Ho, younger brother! the children have no bodies," he was saying. 12 "We must seek bodies for our children." They reached the third upper world and stood. There they were not human beings. 15 "Ho, younger brother! the children have no bodies," he was saying. "We must seek bodies for our children." They reached the fourth upper world and stood. 18 There they became human beings. Still, the children were without (human) bodies. "We must continue to seek bodies for our children." 21 They returned to the third upper world and stood. The children were really without bodies. "Ho, younger brother! the children have no bodies," he was saying. 24 "We must continue to seek bodies for our children." They returned to the second upper world and stood. The children did not find bodies for themselves. 27 "Ho, younger brother! the children have no bodies," he was saying. "We must make an examination awhile longer." They returned to the first upper world and stood. 30 They came to a red oak and were standing on it. On a very fine day they came hither and stood. Kaxe-wahü-san (the Black Bear), who was then moving, 33 Came directly to them and stood. "Ho, elder brother!" (said the Black Bear.) "You shall continue to burn my feet for me." 36 "Ho, Kaxe-wahü-san!" was he (the TsiÉ”u) saying. Kaxe-wahü-san went to the star Watse-ʇuÊža. "Ho, grandfather!" he was saying. 39 "The children have no bodies." Watse-ʇuÊža replied, "Can I give the children bodies? "I am not the only mysterious one; 42 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." Then Kaxe-wahü-san went to the star Watse-minÊža. 44 "Ho, grandmother!" he said; "The children have no bodies." She replied, "Can I give bodies to the children? "I am not the only mysterious one; 48 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." Then he went to the mysterious one of day. "Ho, grandfather!" said he; 51 "The children have no bodies." Said he, "Can I give the children bodies? "I am not the only mysterious one; 54 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." Then he went to the mysterious one of night. "Ho, grandfather!" said he; 57 "The children have no bodies, grandfather!" The Moon replied, "Can I give bodies to the children? "I am not the only mysterious one; 60 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." Then he went to the Pleiades, saying, "Ho, grandfathers! 63 "The children have no bodies." One of these replied, "Can I give bodies to the children? "I am not the only mysterious one; 66 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." Then he went to the constellation called Three Deer. "Ho, grandfather," said he; 69 "The children have no bodies." The latter replied, "Can I give the children bodies? "I am not the only mysterious one; 72 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." Then he went to the Morning Star, saying, "Ho, grandfather! 75 "The children have no bodies." The star replied, "Can I give bodies to the children? "I am not the only mysterious one; 78 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." Then he went to the Small Star, saying, "Ho, grandfather! 81 "The children have no bodies." The star replied, "Can I give bodies to the children? "I am not the only mysterious one; 84 "You shall attend to it awhile longer." The female Red Bird, who had been moving, was sitting on her nest. To her he came, saying, 87 "Ho, grandmother! "The children have no bodies." She replied, "I can cause your children to have (human) bodies from my own, 90 "My left wing shall be a left arm for the children. "My right wing shall be a right arm for them. "My head shall be a head for them. 93 "My mouth shall be a mouth for them. "My forehead shall be a forehead for them. "My neck shall be a neck for them. 96 "My throat shall be a throat for them. "My chest shall be a chest for them. 98 "My bowels shall be bowels for them. "My thighs shall be thighs for them. "My knees shall be knees for them. "The calves of my legs shall be calves of their legs. 102 "My heels shall be their heels. "My toes shall be their toes. "My claws shall be their toenails. 105 "You shall continue to exist without any cause of destruction for your race. "Your children shall live as human beings. "The speech (or breath) of children will I bestow on your children." UNŬn’ U¢ÃÊžE. QÜ¢ÃPASAn ITÃ*P*E. (Tradition of the Bald Eagle subgens.)(20) 1 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | nÃÉ¥k’ăcÃÊža | tá*d*eʇan | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tatsé, | wÃsÅñʞá: | Child | human beings | in order that (pl.) | attention | we shall make | younger brother | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | he really said | O grandfather! | Káxe-wáhü-san | tsi’ nacin’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Káxe-wáhü-san | came and stood | he really said | 0 grandfather! 3 | Káxe-wáhü-san’ | han’*d*ʇan | wakan’ʇa | ¢iñkcéʇsi | hi’naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Káxe-wáhü-san | during the day | mysterious one | to the st. an, ob. | came and stood | he really said | Tsiká! | O grandfather! 4 | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñʞa*d*e, | éʞi añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! |child | body |they have none | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Wakan’ʇa | uÉ”añ’ʞe | ts’é | watséqi | *d*¢in’ | e¢aú: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | road | to die | difficult | I am | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! 6 | Wakan’ʇa | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔi, | éʞiÊžÃe añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | O mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying to him what precedes | he really said |O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢acé tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Káxe-wáhü-san’, | cÅnta, | wisÅñ’ʞa, | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tá*d*etsé: |á*d*intaú, | Káxe-wáhü-san’ | awhile longer | my younger brother | attention | we must make | he really said | Tsiká! | O grandfather! 9 | Watsé-ʇúʞa | ¢iñcà ĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Male animal that touched a foe | the std. to it an. ob. | arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | É”iñʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñʞa*d*e, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! | child | body | they have none | he was saying that | he really said | O grandfather! | Wakan’ʇa | uÉ”añ’ʞe | ts’é | watséqi | *d*¢in’ | e¢aú: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | road | to die | difficult | I am | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! 12 | Wakan’ʇa | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞiÊžÃe añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying to him what precedes | he really said |O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢acé tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Káxe-wáhü-san’, | cÅnta, | wisuñ’ʞa, | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tá*d*etsé: |á*d*intaú, | Káxe-wáhü-san’ | awhile longer | my younger brother | attention | we must make | he really said | Tsiká! | O grandfather! 15 | Wá*d*aha | ¢iñkcĕ’ʇsi| hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Bier | to the st. an. ob. | arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñʞa*d*e, | éʞi añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! |child | body |they have none | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Wakan’ʇa | uÉ”añ’ʞe | ts’é | watséqi | *d*¢in’ | e¢aú: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | road | to die | difficult | I am | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! 18 | Wakan’ʇa | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞiÊžÃe añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying to him what precedes | he really said |O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢acé tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! 20 | Káxe-wáhü-san’, | cÅnta, | wisuñ’ʞa, | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tá*d*etsé: |á*d*intaú, | Káxe-wáhü-san’ | awhile longer | my younger brother | attention | we must make | he really said | Tsiká! | O grandfather! | ʇaɥ’pa | ¢iñcĕ’ʇsi | hi’ nacin’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Circle | to the st. an. ob. | arrived and stood | he really said |O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | éʞi añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! |child | body |they have none | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Wakan’ʇa | uÉ”añ’ʞe | ts’é | watséqi | *d*¢in’ | e¢aú: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | road | to die | difficult | I am | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! 24 | Wakan’ʇa | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞiÊžÃe añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying to him what precedes | he really said |O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Káxe-wáhü-san’, | cÅnta, | wisuñ’ʞa, | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tá*d*etsé: | Káxe-wáhü-san’ | awhile longer | my younger brother | attention | we must make | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | he really said | O grandfather! 27 | Mikák’ĕ | han’*d*a-ʇan | ¢iñkcà | é’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Star | by day | the st. an. ob. | at it | arrived and stood | he really said |O grandfather! | Há, | wÃtsiÊžué! | É”iñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñʞa*d*e, | éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandfather! |child | body |they have none | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! | Wakan’ʇa | uÉ”añ’ʞe | ts’é | watséqi | *d*¢in’ | e¢aú: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Mysterious one | road | to die | difficult | I am | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! 30 | Wakan’ʇa | ʞána | *d*¢in-máɔÄ, | éʞiÊžÃe añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | O mysterious one | that only |I am I-not | he was saying to him what precedes | he really said |O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e¢a¢é tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | you shall attend to it | he really said | O grandfather! | Káxe-wáhü-san’, | cÅnta, | wisÅñ’ʞa, | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tá*d*etsé: |á*d*intaú, | Káxe-wáhü-san’ | awhile longer | my younger brother | attention | we must make | he really said | Tsiká! | O grandfather! 33 | WaÉ”iñʞa | cü’ʇse | ¢iñkcĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Bird | red| | to the st. an. ob. | arrived and stood | he really said |O grandfather! | Há, | iɥʞú! | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | grandmother! | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñʞa*d*e, | éʞi añka: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | body |they have none | he was saying that | he really said |O grandfather! (Here some lines are wanting. See the other version for the appeal to the Red Bird and her reply. ) 36 | Han’*d*a | maÉ”an’ | u¢áʞ¢in | ¢iñkcĕ’ʇsi | hi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Day | land | good | at the st. an. ob. | arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe | úʞawin’xe | ʇú*d*a } ¢iñkcé ĕ’ʇsi | annÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Upper world | gyration | four | the cv. in. ob. | there | we were people | he really said | O grandfather! 38 | AnnÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | añkÃi¢a-*d*áɔÄ: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | We were people | body | we did not find for ourselves | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe | úʞawin’xe | wé¢ún*d*a | ĕ’ʇsi | antsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Upper world | gyration | the second | there | they arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Ĕ’ʇsi | annÃÉ¥k‘ăcinÊža-*d*áɔÄ: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | There | we were not human beings | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe | úʞawin’xe | wé¢a*d*¢in | ĕ’ʇsi | antsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Upper world | gyration | the third | there | they arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! 42 | Ĕ’ʇsi | annÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa-*d*áɔÄ: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | There | we were not human beings | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe | úʞawin’xe | wéʇu*d*a | ĕ’ʇsi | antsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Upper world | gyration | the fourth | there | they arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔansan’ | antsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Sycamore | they came and stood (on) | he really said | O grandfather! 45 | MaÉ”an’ | utañ’ʞa | ¢iñkcé | ĕ’ʇsi | antsi’ naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Harvest time | the | there | they arrived and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃsÅñʞaé! | nÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | win’ | siʞ¢á*d*e tsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother! | person | one | has left a trail | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃÉ”in¢é! | nÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | siʞ¢á*d*e tsé: | éca*d*i’-na, | nÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | Ho | elder brother! | person | has left a trail | you have said | person |¢Ãakqá | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | this is he | he really said | O grandfather! 48 | Há, | wÃÉ”in¢é!(21) | Hañ’ʞa | É”iñ’ʞa | *d*¢in’ | e¢aú | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | elder brother! | Hañ’ʞa | young | I am | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃsÅñʞaé! | nÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | win’ | siʞ¢á*d*e tsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | younger brother! | person | one | has left a trail | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | wÃÉ”in¢é! | nÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | siʞ¢á*d*e tsé: | éca*d*i’-na, | nÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | Ho | elder brother! | person | has left a trail | you have said | person |¢Ãakqá | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | this is he | he really said | O grandfather! 51 | Há, | wÃÉ”in¢é! | Waɔáɔe | *d*¢in’ | e¢aú | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | elder brother! | Osage | I am | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! | Hañ’ʞa | annÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Hañ’ʞa | we shall be people | he really said O grandfather! | NÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | ʇ‘u*d*a | siʞ¢á*d*e tsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | People | some | left a trail | he really said | O grandfather! 54 | Hañ’ʞa | utá¢anʇse tsà | iÉ¥tá*d*e, | é | e¢aú: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Hañ’ʞa | apart from the rest | lodge | theirs | that | indeed | he really said | O grandfather! | Há, | nÃÉ¥k‘ăcin’ʞa | ʇ‘ú*d*a | tsi’ añká | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Ho | persons | some | have come | he really said | O grandfather! | TsÃÉ”u | Wátsetsi | iʇá*d*e | tsi’ añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | TsÃÉ”u | Wátsetsi | also | have come | he really said | O grandfather! 57 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | uwáqta | e¢éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | what is good for them | they decided (?) | he really said | O grandfather! 58 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | ÊžÃwatañ’ʞa | man¢in tatsé, | e¢éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | being chiefs over them | they two shall walk | they decided (?) | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | Ãts’e ¢iñʞé | man¢in tatsé, | e¢éʞi añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | without cause of death | they two shall walk | they decided (?) | he really said | O grandfather! 60 | Ɔiñ’ʞa | uÊžÃstu | ĕ’ʇsà ¢iñʞcé tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | assembly | there it shall be | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | unÃÉ¥k‘ăcn’ʞa | tá*d*e | maÉ”an’ | u¢áʞiʇse tatsé, | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | to become men in | in order that | land | you two shall seek you | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | unÃÉ¥k‘ăcn’ʞa | tá*d*e-ʇan’ | maÉ”an’ | ĕʇsi ¢iñkcé | ʞáxe añká: | Child | to become men in | in order that | land | it is there | they have made | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | he really said | O grandfather! 63 | Ɔá*d*e(22) | min’ʞa | ¢é-na | ĕ’ʇsi | kan’ha | hà ʞ¢in añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Beaver | female animal | the mv. an. obs. in the past | there | border | reached and was sitting | he really said | O grandfather! | TsÃhe | É”iñ’ʞa | Lodge | small _Translation._ 1 "O younger brother! we must see what can be done to make human beings of the children." The Black Bear came to them and stood. 3 He went to the mysterious one of day, saying, "Ho, grandfather! the children have no bodies." He replied, "I have an everlasting road (in which I must keep); 6 I am not the only mysterious one; You must still seek for help." (On reporting to the leader, the latter said,) "O Kaxe-wahü-san, my younger brother! we must still see what can be done." 9 So the Black Bear went to the star "Watse-ʇuÊža, saying, "Ho, grandfather! the children have no bodies." He replied, "I have an everlasting road (in which I must keep); 12 "I am not the only mysterious one; "You must still seek for help." (On reporting to the leader, the latter said), "O Kaxe-wahü-san, my younger brother! we must still see what can be done." 15 So the Black Bear went to the Bowl of the Great Dipper, saying, "O grandfather! the children have no bodies!" He replied, "I have an everlasting road (in which I must keep); 18 "I am not the only mysterious one; "You must still seek for help." (On reporting to the leader, the latter said), "O Kaxe-wahü-san, my younger brother! we must still see what can be done." 21 Then he went to the Seven Stars, saying, "Ho, grandfather! the children have no bodies." He replied, "I have an everlasting road (in which I must keep); 24 "I am not the only mysterious one; "You must still seek for help." (On reporting this to the leader, the latter said), 26 "O Kaxe-wahü-san, my younger brother! we must still see what can be done." So he went to the Morning Star, saying, "Ho, grandfather! the children have no bodies." He replied, "I have an everlasting road (in which I must keep); 30 "I am not the only mysterious one; "You must still seek for help." (On reporting this to the leader, the latter said), " O Kaxe-wahü-san, my younger brother! we must still see what can be done." 33 So he went to the Red Bird, who was sitting (on her nest), saying, "Ho, grandmother! The children have no bodies." * * * * * 36 They went to the good land of day. In four revolutions or gyrations of the upper worlds, we became human beings. Though we were human beings, we did not find bodies. 39 They arrived at the second revolution of the upper worlds. There we were not (complete) human beings. They arrived at the third revolution of the upper worlds. 42 There we were not (complete) human beings. They arrived at the fourth revolution of the upper worlds They stood on a sycamore tree. 45 They stood there at harvest time. "Ho, younger brother! a man has left a trail." "Ho, elder brother!" said the Black Bear; "you have said that a man has left a trail. "This is the man." 48 "Ho, elder brother!" (said the stranger) "I am Young Hañʞa." [TsiÉ”u.] "Ho, younger brother! a man has left a trail." [Black Bear.] "Ho, elder brother! you have said that a man has left a trail. "This is the man." 51 "Ho, elder brother!" (said the stranger) "I am Osage. "We shall be Hañʞa people." Some people left a trail. 54 Those were the lodges of the Hañʞa uta¢anʇse. (The Hañʞa uta¢anʇse leader said) "Ho! some persons have come. "TsiÉ”u and Watsetsi have come." 57 They thought of what was good for the children. They decided that the two should continue as chiefs for the children. They decided that the two should continue without anything that would be fatal to the children. (And they said) 60 "There shall be an assembly of the children. "You two shall seek a land in which the children may become men." They two arranged for the location of a land in order that the children might become men in it. 63 The Female Beaver, who had been traveling, came to the confines of the village (of the Hañʞa uta¢anʇse?) (She made?) a small lodge (for herself?). Good Voice, of the Mink’in gens, knew the history of the Female Beaver, but he failed to keep his promise to dictate it to the author. CONCLUDING REMARKS. An Osage said to the author: "We do not believe that our ancestors were really animals, birds, &c., as told in the traditions. These things are only wa-wi’-ku-ska’-ye [symbols] of something higher." On saying this he pointed to the sky. Apart from such traditions or myths, it is found that even the taboos and the names of the gentes, subgentes, phratries, and persons are objects of mysterious reverence among many, if not all, of the Siouan tribes. Such names are never used in ordinary conversation. This is especially the case in tribes where the secret society continues in all its power, as among the Osage, the Ponka, and the Kansa. When the author was questioning these Indians he was obliged to proceed very cautiously in order to obtain information of this character, which was not communicated till they learned about his acquaintance with some of the myths. When several Dakota delegations visited Washington he called on them and had little trouble in learning the names of their gentes, their order in the camping circle, &c., provided the interpreters were absent. During his visit to the Omaha, from 1878 to 1880, he did not find them very reticent in furnishing him with such information, though he was generally referred to the principal chief of each gens as the best authority for the names in his own division. But he found it very difficult to induce any of them to admit that the gentes had subdivisions, which were probably the original gentes. It was not till 1880, and after questioning many, that by the merest accident he obtained the clew from the keeper of a sacred pipe. The Iowa, who have these social divisions and personal names of mythic significance, also have sacred songs, but these are in the Winnebago language. It is probable that they are the property of a secret order, as they, too, show how some of the gentes descended as birds from the upper world. The names of the Winnebago gentes and of some members of the tribe have been recorded by the author, who has also learned parts of their traditions. He infers that their secret society has not been abolished. When a man of the Kansa tribe observed that the author had an inkling of the matter he related part of the tradition of that tribe, explaining the origin of the names and the taboos of several Kansa gentes. The ancestors of these gentes were spoken of as birds which descended from an upper world. The phratries in that tribe, the "Wa-yÅn min-’dÅn," or "(Those who) sing together," refer to mystic songs and strengthen the view that the secret society exists among these Indians. Several members of the tribe have positively stated its existence. As one phratry is composed of the two gentes, Large and Small Hañka, that have the sole right to sing the war songs, time may show that these songs, which, with their chart of pictographs(23), are used by the Osage, are substantially those of the seventh degree in the Osage society. This is rendered the more probable by the fact that the Kansa have grouped their gentes in seven phratries, just the number of the degrees in the society. And this arrangement by sevens is the rule among Osage, Kansa, Ponka, Omaha, and Dakota, though there are apparent exceptions. Further investigation may tend to confirm the supposition that in any tribe which has mythic names for its members and its social divisions (as among the Osage, Kansa, Quapaw, Omaha, Ponka, Iowa, Oto, Missouri, Tutelo, and Winnebago), or in one which has mythic names only for its members and local or other names for its social divisions (as among the Dakota, Assiniboin, Mandan, Hidatsa, and Crow), there are now or there have been secret societies or "The Mysteries." FOOTNOTES 1 The sound of this inverted á¹µ, between o and u, as well as the sounds of other letters used in this article, except that of the inverted É¥ (which is a sound approximating ch in the German word ich), is to be found on page 206, Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. 2 It is probable, however, that the PanÉ¥ka (Ponka) man began with the stick at the east, as he must use the right hand and foot first. 3 Meaning uncertain; it may refer to the female or doe. 4 See "Omaha Sociology," §§ 14-16, 19, 28, 33, 34, 36, 56, 143, 248-258, and passim, in Third Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Ethnology. 5 The literal rendering of the title is "Growth told. TsÃÉ”u Peacemaker theirs." This may be translated freely by "Revelations of the elders of the Red Eagle gens." 6 Ɔiñ’ʞa weháʞi¢e, "The first end of the children" or "The beginning of the race." This reckoning was backward. The Ponka have a similar usage: uhañge, _an end_; uhañge pahañga tÄ•, _the first end_ or _beginning_. Ãdintaú, formed by crasis from a*d*e and intau, may refer to the words of the old men who have handed down these traditions. Tsiká is unintelligible to the younger Osage of the present day. One man told the author that he thought it meant, "O grandfather," being addressed to the principal Wakanʇa. He said that it was substituted for another name of that being. 7 The chorus or refrain at the end of each line is omitted in the free translation, as it would make confusion. If retained, the first four lines would read thus: The first of the race: he really said, O grandfather! He was saying, "Ho, younger brother! the children have no bodies": he really said, O grandfather! "We shall seek bodies for our children": he really said, O grandfather! "Ho, younger brother! you shall attend to it": he really said, O grandfather! 8 Éʞi añká refers to the preceding words, which were those of one of the mythic speakers. He was an ancestor of the TsÃÉ”u gens. Here he addressed his younger brother. At this time the brothers were destitute of human souls and bodies, though they possessed conscious existence and could talk, as well as move about from place to place. 9 See the lowest horizontal line on the left side of the chart. 10 NikacÃÊža-dáɔÄ. Another reading is nÃkacÃÊžaqtsi-dáɔÄ: _they were not complete human beings_. 11 A different reading of lines 17 to 25 is as follows: Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ʇú*d*a | nÃkacÃÊža¢á*d*e: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! Parallel upper worlds | four | they were made human beings | he really said | O grandfather! CÅn’ÅnckÃta | é | e¢á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! Awhile | he said | indeed, he really said | O grandfather! Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža | wa¢iñ’ʞa*d*e, | é añká: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! Child | body | they have none | he was saying | he really said | O grandfather! Há, | wisÅñ’ʞa! | é | e¢á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! Ho | younger brother! | he said | indeed, he really said | O grandfather! Úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tatsé: á*d*intaú, Tsiká! Attention | we shall make | he really said | O grandfather! Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ¢a*d*¢in | ĕ’ʇsi | antsà naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! Parallel upper worlds | three | there | they (?) came and stood | he really said | O grandfather! | Ɔiñ’ʞa | É”uÃÊža-*d*ácÄ | é | e¢á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Child | had no bodies | he said | indeed, he really said | O grandfather! | CÅn’ÅnckÃta | úʇan*d*e | añʞáxe tatsé: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Awhile longer | attention | we shall make | he really said | O grandfather! | Máxe úsakÃ*d*a | ¢Ån’*d*a | ĕ’ʇsi | antsà naÉ”in’: | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! | Parallel upper worlds | two | there | they (?) came this way and stood | he really said | O grandfather! _Translation._ At the fourth upper world they were made human beings. "Still," said he (the elder brother?), indeed he really said, "The children have no bodies. "Ho, younger brother! "We must give this matter our attention." They came to the third upper world. "The children have no bodies." "Still must we give this our attention," said one. They came to the second upper world. (From this line on there is no variation from what has been given above.) 12 Here they obtained human souls, though they were in the bodies of birds. See the bird hovering above the four upper worlds in the chart. Then began the descent to this earth. 13 Why the Black Bear was called Káxe-wáhü-san was not explained to the author. 14 Cáʞe | ʇsüʇsean’ ¢akcâĕ &c. _You shall take me for your servant_; literally, _You shall walk, causing me to burn my feet_; that is, _You shall make me go through fire and water for you_. 15 Wátse-ʇúʞa-na. ʇuÊža shows that the star was regarded as a male _animal_, just as min’ʞa, in line 43, denotes that the next star was a female _animal_, not a female of the human race. As they were called "grandfather" and "grandmother," they were looked upon as supernatural beings or gods. So were all of the heavenly bodies to whom the Black Bear applied. 16 Ɔiñ’ʞa É”uÃÊža miñkcé ¢an’tse, a phrase that puzzles the writer, who suspects that an auxiliary verb has been omitted and that the whole should read: "Ɔiñʞa É”uiÊža-wikci¢e miñkcé ¢an’tse? ( _Can I give you bodies for the children_?) No! You must still make attempts to obtain them elsewhere." 17 Wákanʇá ʞána *d*¢in-máɔÄ, _I am not the only mysterious one_ (apply to some one of the rest). 18 Mikák’ĕ pé¢Å*d*a, sometimes called "Mikák’ĕ u*d*átse pé¢Ån*d*a," the Seven Gentes of Stars. Could this have any connection with the use of the number 7 as the number of the TsiÉ”u, WaÉ”aÉ”e, and Hañʞa gentes? 19 ÊžahiÊže-waʇayiñʞa, of this gens, gave the following as another reading: Ɔiñ’ʞa | nÃkacÃÊža | ¢iñʞé-eʇan’, | cu*d*¢é | e¢aú, | wÃtsiÊžué! | á*d*intaú, | Tsiká! Child | human beings | none as | I go to you | indeed | O grandfather! | he really said | O grandfather! _Translation_. As the children are not human beings, I go to you, O grandfather! 20 This fragment of the tradition of the Bald Eagle subgens of the TsiÉ”u wactaÊže gens was told by Pahü-skă, the chief, to Ha*d*a-ɔüʇse, who related it to the writer on the following day. Ha*d*a-ɔüʇse, told some of the tradition first in English, but on chanting it in Osage he did not give all; so the former account is now given in these notes: "When the ancestors of the Bald Eagle people came to this earth they alighted on a sycamore tree, as all of the surrounding country was under water. This water was dried up by the ancestors of the Elk people, according to the tradition of the á¹´pqan or Elk gens; but this is disputed by the members of the I*d*ats’ĕ gens, who are Kansa or Wind people. They say that their ancestors blew on the water, drying it up and causing the growth of vegetation. As soon as the water was gone the Bald Eagle people alighted on the ground. Then they met the Black Bear, who offered to become the servant of the TsiÉ”u wactaÊže people. So he was sent to "Watse-ʇuÊža, who was a red star; then to Watse-minÊža, a star near the Morning Star; then to the Sun, Moon, and Seven Stars. As the people journeyed, the Black Bear said to the TsiÉ”u leader, ’Brother, I see a man’s trail. Here is the man.’ The stranger said, ’I am a young Hañʞa. I am fit for work.’ So they took him with them. Then they saw another trail, of which the Black Bear spoke to the TsÃÉ”u leader. They overtook the man, who was Hañʞaqtsi or Real Hañʞa. By and by they reached the village of the Hañʞa uta¢anʇse. They entered the village and made peace with the inhabitants. Then the leader of the Hañʞa uta¢anʇse said, ’We have some people come to us, and we will make them our chiefs.’ So the two wactaÊže were made chiefs. The wactaÊže were then sent to search for a land where they might dwell, as the village of the Hañʞa uta¢anʇse was filthy and offensive on account of the dead bodies in and around it. This council was the first one of the whole nation. The two wactaÊže went out as mourners for seven days. The Hañʞa wactaÊže (PanÉ¥ka = Ponka) came back first, saying, ’I have found a place.’ Afterwards the TsiÉ”u wactaÊže returned and reported. The council was held again to decide to which place they would go. They agreed to settle at the place visited by the TsiÉ”u wactaÊže. Then four standards were made by members of the WaÉ”aÉ”e (wanÅn gens, two for each side of the tribe. These were the standards made of minxa ha (swan or goose skins), and they were carried on the hunting road as well as on the war path. But the otter skin standards were always retained by the WaÉ”aÉ”e gens." On comparing this version with that of Sa*d*eki¢e we notice that in one or the other a transposition of some parts has been made. In this latter tradition the appeals to the heavenly bodies and to the Red Bird were made before the journey to the four revolutions of the upper worlds. 21 Here is where the two roads begin. 22 At this point begins the account of the Female Beaver. She was an ancestor of the Osage, according to a statement published in Long’s Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. 23 See the author’s paper in the American Naturalist for 1885, entitled "Kansas mourning and war customs," with which was published part of the chart mentioned above. ***END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK OSAGE TRADITIONS*** CREDITS October 4, 2006 Posted to Project Gutenberg PM for Bureau of American Ethnology, Joshua Hutchinson and The Online Distributed Proofreading Team (This file was produced from images generously made available by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF/Gallica) at A WORD FROM PROJECT GUTENBERG This file should be named 19464-0.txt or This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Updated editions will replace the previous one — the old editions will be renamed. 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