IMPORTANT NOTE: this file directly available from the SUSE Web/FTP servers along with the ISO image otc-suse-ccah-1.0.iso takes precedence over the file with the same name enclosed in that ISO image. The following software:"Open_TC CC@H Proof of Concept prototype" is made available by the Open_TC consortium to the general public under the conditions described in the DISCLAIMER file. Under these conditions, you are free to download, use, copy or re-distribute this software in part or in full as long as any copy, complete or partial, retain the original COPYING, README and DISCLAIMER files in their integrality and unmodified as part of the re-distributed software. In addition, any distribution of this software, in full or in part, MUST include a reference to the Open_TC project and a reference to the project web site Additionally, some parts of the software may have different licenses and copyrights. Many components are distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2: details can be found at Some parts of the software, make use of the IAIK-JCE and IsAsIlK toolkits, which are distributed by Stiftung SIC. Free licenses for both the original proxy-tunnel components not provided in source form as well as the toolkits mentioned are provided by IAIK and Stiftung SIC resp. for all users of the Open_TC CC@H Proof of Concept prototype under the Stiftung SIC Open Source Licensing scheme. Details on this scheme can be found at Other parts make use of the Common Public License (CPL): details can be found at It is the responsibility of the user of the software to ensure compliance with these licenses or any other license used for any parts of the software. The Open_TC project is co-financed by the EC. If you need further information about the project, please visit our website or contact the coordinator: Technikon Forschungs- und Planungsgesellschaft mbH Richard-Wagner-Strasse 7, 9500 Villach, AUSTRIA Tel. +43 4242 23355 0 Fax. +43 4242 23355 77 Email: