== Tichy coding style ==

Tichy follows the python codding style defined by Guido van Rossum
in PEP0008 : http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
(The only difference being that I easily accept lines over 80 characters)

Anybody contributing to tichy : please read this document carefully !

Also :

*never* use the 'import *' form, except if it is really the only choice.

Try to avoid importing object from module. e.g :
    import my_module
    class A(my_module.T):
    from my_module import T
    class A(T):
Never ever use global variables, except if there are really no other choices,
and then make the variable private (with a leading underscore)

Use list comprehension instead of loops if possible

Use properties instead of get_ and set_ methods.

Use nested functions when a function is only used by an other functions. That is,
don't pollute the namespace of a class or a module by functions that are not
used at this scope.

Use the python logging module for logging and debuging informations. Never put
'print' in your code, and NEVER use syslog module or even worst create your own
LOG function.

NEVER EVER optimize your pyton code, except if you are sure that it makes sense,
and only optimize as less as possible. If something is too slow, then try to use
an already existing python module.

Every function that is longer than 20 lines is probably messy and should be
reconsidered. (Except in case the function is just a long list of attributes
setting or a switch cases.