Linux HomeVision XMMS Control Plugin
The XMMS Control plugin for the Linux Homevision application works together
with the Inet Control plugin for
XMMS by Gerry Duprey.
The plugin will display the currently playing song on a user selectable RAM
video screen. In addition it will respond to a number of serial commands
from the HomeVision controller. By transmitting one of the strings mentioned
below from within a HomeVision action, the XMMS application can be made to
start, stop or change the currently playing song. Also the volume level can
be adjusted.
Serial port 1: Transmit string 'xmms next'
Recognized control strings:
- xmms play
- Start XMMS playback
- xmms pause
- Pause XMMS playback
- xmms resume
- Resume XMMS playback when paused
- xmms stop
- Stop XMMS playback
- xmms next
- Advance to next track
- xmms prev
- Return to previous track
- xmms mute
- Set volume to 10 %
- volume up
- Increase volume by 5% of maximum volume
- volume down
- Decrease volume by 5% of maximum volume
- xmms toggle
- Pause XMMS if playing, resume if paused
- playlist n
- Start playing playlist n (1 <= n <= 8). A configuration screen is
available to define the 8 playlists.
- shutdown
- Quit XMMS and shutdown the computer
- xmms finish
- Shutdown the computer after the current song finishes
Note: The last two commands are designed for KDE. For other X-window
managers the plugin has to be modified.
Last modified: 9 January 2003, 20:15 CEST