Linux HomeVision Control Plugin

The HomeVision Control plugin allows users to create their own screen layout for controlling and displaying all available objects in a schedule.

The user can create multiple pages with buttons and labels that can be interactively positioned and reshaped. The buttons and labels can be configured to display literal text or the state of an object and even combinations of the two. Calculations can be performed on the object state and the result can be translated into a descriptive string before displaying the information. A button can perform a sequence of actions, like setting a variable and then executing a macro. The user also has full control over the color, font and appearance of the labels and buttons.

Text specification

Both labels and buttons can display a text string as defined in their properties window. The string may contain character sequences that are interpreted and replaced by dynamic information. The recognized sequences are: If an object specifier (xfvioad) is prefixed with a character 'm', the object translations that have been defined will be taken into account. Without the 'm' prefix, the standard object state description will be substituded.


For each object a translation table can be defined. If an object is referenced with a 'm' prefix, first the defined expression is applied to the objects state value. In the expression, the $-sign represents the objects current state value. The result of the expression is looked up in the table and the string associated with the value is substituted. If the value does not exist in the table, the decimal representation of the value is substituted.

As long as the plugin has not received information about the state of the object, it will substitute the value specified in the 'Unknown:' field.

To allow the plugin to display the object states, automatic reporting for the object types has to be switched on. Alternatively strategicly placed object reporting commands in the schedule may be used to provide the required information. As a backup, the plugin will request an object report for the used object types if it did not receive a report for 15 minutes.

Last modified: 20 July 2002, 20:09 CEST