Note that using this set of instructions, you will have no path to save your Pocket PC bootloader or the saved Pocket PC flash image. Enjoy the ride -- it's a one-way trip to Linux! If this idea bothers you, use the very similar set of instructions that requires ftpsvr.
- Using an Ethernet card, or 802.11B card, or modem, gain access to the Internet. The Pocket PC documentation tells you how to accomplish this step.
- Store bootldr.bin and BootBlaster.exe on a webserver.
- Alternatively, you can access these copies of BootBlaster and bootldr:
- iPAQ h3100-h3800: and
- iPAQ h3900,h5400,h5500: and bootldr.pxa
- Start Pocket IE
- On the View Menu, select Address Bar
- Double-click the Address Bar to select its entire contents.
- Bring up the keyboard (bottom-right icon) and type a backspace.
- Type the URL of the bootldr you wish to download.
- Click on the green curved arrow icon at the end of the Address Bar.
- Save bootldr where Pocket IE suggests -- in the My Documents folder.
- Same thing for BootBlaster.
- Download BootBlaster to the My Documents folder. Leave "Open file after download" checked.
- BootBlaster will display "Idle..." in its main window.