require '';
hh_opt('rcsid', '$Id: bootldr-cf-mmc-sd.html,v 1.1 2006/07/25 22:17:58 rw Exp $');
hh_header('Installing bootloader using CF/MMC/SD'); ?>
Note that bootldr itself only supports CF. So, while you can install
bootldr from Pocket PC using an MMC or SD card, you can only install Linux
if you have a CF card.
- Copy the distribution files (all of them) to a CF card with a
vfat filesystem (most cards come pre-formatted with vfat), or
purchase a 32MB CF card with the distribution files from
Crynwr Software.
- Insert the CF card into your CF slot.
- Run Start Menu->Programs->File Explorer.
- Click on the grey bar with the picture of the iPAQ on it.
It probably says "My Documents".
- Select "My Device" from the drop-down menu.
- One of the entries on the screen should say "Storage Card". Click on it.
- You should see a listing of the distribution files.
- Double-click on BootBlaster.
- BootBlaster will start up and display "Idle...".
include '' ?>
- Copy saved_bootldr.gz, wince_image.gz and assets.gz from "My Documents" to the Storage Card using File Manager.
include "" ?>
When finished continue to the Install via Compact Flash sleeve step.
hh_footer() ?>