require ''; hh_opt('rcsid', '$Id: post-install.html,v 1.1 2006/05/07 22:22:35 rw Exp $'); hh_header('After installing Familiar 0.8.4-rc2'); ?>
Read the release notes if you haven't already.
The default root password for OPIE is set blank, so you'll need to change it first thing.
The first thing to do after installing Familiar is to get your iPAQ on the net. We will be updating it to fix such bugs as are reported. If your iPAQ has Internet access, you can keep it up to date quite simply. Previous versions of Familiar required Microsoft web fonts for good font rendering, and they were installed at post-install time. No more. We have the very nice Bitstream Vera fonts.
Familiar supports many 802.11b wlan cards and 10Mbps or 100Mbps Ethernet cards. Both should "just work" when you plug them in. You can also set up PPP, USB or Bluetooth networking. More information on these is available in the Wiki. Once you have Internet connectivity, you should run these commands.