This page describes how to upgrade an existing installation of the bootloader to the latest version, which is required for Familiar 0.8.0. If you have not previously installed Linux on your iPAQ, the instructions for installing the bootldr from PocketPC may be more appropriate.


You will need a serial sync cable or serial sync cradle. You will need to use a terminal program such as minicom, kermit, or Hyperterminal. Your terminal emulator must be set to 115200 8N1 serial configuration, no flow control, no hardware handshaking.

Upgrade procedure

  1. Plug your iPAQ into power, and hook it up to your serial port.

  2. Hold down the joypad and press the reset button on the ipaq. You will need to remove it from the cradle to access the reset button. When the bootloader splash screen appears, release the joypad.

    If your installed bootldr is very old, you may need to hold down the power button rather than the joypad while resetting. If in doubt, try both.

  3. Connect the iPAQ to the serial line. Press space on the terminal, or the calendar button on the iPAQ, to access the boot> prompt.

  4. Type load bootldr.

  5. Load the correct bootldr file from the tarball you downloaded: (Some more recent versions of bootldr expect ymodem instead, so check the serial messages to see which is wanted.) You can uncompress the file, but the gzip file has its own checksum, so uploading it is not only faster but more reliable.
  6. Wait patiently. It will take a minute or so to transfer the file, and then a few more seconds to erase and program flash.

  7. When the boot> prompt reappears, programming is finished. Inspect the previous output for error messages. If there are any problems, do not reset the iPAQ, which should be left plugged in and powered on and get help from IRC or the mailing list. If all is well, type reset to restart the iPAQ.

Continue with one of these installation steps: