# NAME skate - cat with Kate syntax highlighting  # USAGE skate [FILE..] # DESCRIPTION skate uses the syntax definitions from the Kate editor and extended colors to view source code in proper color in the terminal. # PREREQUISITIES The Term::ExtendedColor and Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate Perl modules. A terminal that support 256 colors. Code to skate! # REPORTING BUGS Report bugs and/or feature requests on rt.cpan.org, the repository issue tracker or directly to magnus@trapd00r.se # AUTHOR Magnus Woldrich CPAN ID: WOLDRICH magnus@trapd00r.se http://japh.se # CONTRIBUTORS None required yet. # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 THIS APPLICATIONs "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. # LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # SEE ALSO Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate, Term::ExtendedColor