Finance::Bank::INGDirecUts(e3r)Contributed Perl DocumentFaitniaonnce::Bank::INGDirect(3)

       Finance::Bank::INGDirect -  Check your "ING Direct France" accounts
       from Perl

         use Finance::Bank::INGDirect;

         my @accounts = Finance::Bank::INGDirect->check_balance(
                        ACN => "167845",
                        PIN => "1234",
                        JOUR => "25", # Day of birthday
                        MOIS => "8",  # month of birthday
                        ANNEE => "1952" # year of birthday

         foreach my $account (@accounts) {
                       print "Name: ", $account->name, " Account_no: ", $account->account_no, "\n", "*" x 80, "\n";
                       print $_->as_string, "\n" foreach $account->statements;

       This module provides a read-only interface to the INGDirect online
       banking system at <>. You will need either
       Crypt::SSLeay installed.

       The interface of this module is similar to other Finance::Bank::* mod-

       This is code for oonnlliinnee bbaannkkiinngg, and that means yyoouurr mmoonneeyy, and that
       means BBEE CCAARREEFFUULL. You are encouraged, nay, expected, to audit the
       source of this module yourself to reassure yourself that I am not doing
       anything untoward with your banking data. This software is useful to
       me, but is provided under NNOO GGUUAARRAANNTTEEEE, explicit or implied.

       nneeww(( AACCNN ==>> ""116677884455"",, PPIINN ==>> ""11223344"",, JJOOUURR ==>> ""2255"",, MMOOIISS ==>> ""88"",, AANNNNEEEE
       ==>> ""11995522""  ffeeeeddbbaacckk ==>> ssuubb {{ wwaarrnn ""FFiinnaannccee::::BBaannkk::::IINNGGDDiirreecctt :: $$__[[00]]\\nn""

       Return an object . You can optionally provide to this method a
       LWP::UserAgent object (argument named "ua"). You can also provide a
       function used for feedback (useful for verbose mode or debugging)
       (argument named "feedback")

       cchheecckk__bbaallaannccee(( AACCNN ==>> ""116677884455"",, PPIINN ==>> ""11223344"",, JJOOUURR ==>> ""2255"",, MMOOIISS ==>>
       ""88"",, AANNNNEEEE ==>> ""11995522""  ffeeeeddbbaacckk ==>> ssuubb {{ wwaarrnn ""FFiinnaannccee::::BBaannkk::::IINNGGDDiirreecctt
       :: $$__[[00]]\\nn"" }}))

       Return a list of account (F::B::INGDirect::Account) objects, one for
       each of your bank accounts.

AAccccoouunntt mmeetthhooddss
       ttyyppee(( ))

       Returns the human-readable name of the account.

       aaccccoouunntt__nnoo(( ))

       Return the account number, in the form "0123456L012".

       bbaallaannccee(( ))

       Returns the balance of the account.

       ssttaatteemmeennttss(( ))

       Return a list of Statement object (Finance::Bank::INGDirect::State-

       ccuurrrreennccyy(( ))

       Returns the currency of the account as a three letter ISO code (EUR,

SSttaatteemmeenntt mmeetthhooddss
       ddaattee(( ))

       Returns the date when the statement occured, in DD/MM/YY format.

       ddeessccrriippttiioonn(( ))

       Returns a brief description of the statement.

       aammoouunntt(( ))

       Returns the amount of the statement (expressed in Euros or the
       account’s currency).  Although the Crédit Mutuel website displays num-
       ber in continental format (i.e. with a coma as decimal separator),
       _a_m_o_u_n_t_(_) returns a real number.

       aass__ssttrriinngg(( $$sseeppaarraattoorr ))

       Returns a tab-delimited representation of the statement. By default, it
       uses a tabulation to separate the fields, but the user can provide its
       own separator.

       Copyright 2005, Jean-Marie Renouard. All Rights Reserved. This module
       can be redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

       Thanks to Pixel for Finance::Bank::LaPoste, Cédric Bouvier for
       Finance::Bank::CreditMut (and also to Simon Cozens and Briac Pilpré for
       various Finance::Bank::*)

       Finance::Bank::BNPParibas, Finance::Bank::CreditMut,
       Finance::Bank::LaPoste, ...

perl v5.8.6                       2005-08-18       Finance::Bank::INGDirect(3)