# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Text::FixedLength
# Version 0.12
# Dion Almaer (dion@member.com)
# Wed Nov 18 16:55:46 CST 1998
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manipulates fixed length fields. You can create, and parse fixed length
fields, write out files, and read in files to convert
To see more, type: perldoc Text::FixedLength

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This module is pure Perl. It should work with any Perl5

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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
To build and test this distribution, type:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test

If the tests pass, install it:

  make install
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0.12: Added setCrop( 1 | 0 ) to force the fixed field format:
      setCrop sets whether records should be cropped to the size of the format
      or not.
      For example if you have a string 'whee' that is meant to be fit into
      a fixed format of 2 then if setCrop is true the record will be changed
      to 'wh' to constrain it
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