=encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Slovo::Plugin::Prodan - Make and manage sales in your Slovo-based site =head1 SYNOPSIS # In slovo.conf load_plugins => [ #... 'Themes::Malka', { Prodan => { migrate => 1, consents => { gdpr_url => '/ѿноÑно/уÑловиÑ.bg.html', phone_url => $ENV{SLOVO_PRODAN_PHONE_URL}, delivery_prices_url => '/ѿноÑно/цени-доÑтавки.bg.html', }, econt => { shop_id => $ENV{SLOVO_PRODAN_SHOP_ID}, private_key => $ENV{SLOVO_PRODAN_PRIVATE_KEY}, shippment_calc_url => 'https://delivery.econt.com/customer_info.php', crupdate_order_endpoint => 'https://delivery.econt.com/services/OrdersService.updateOrder.json', create_awb_endpoint => 'https://delivery.econt.com/services/OrdersService.createAWB.json' }} }, #... ], =head1 DESCRIPTION The word про̀дан (прода̀жба) in Bulgarian means sale. Roots are found in Old Common Slavic (Old Bulgarian) I<проданьѥ>. Here is an exerpt from Codex Suprasliensis(331.27) where this word was witnessed: I<Ñꙑнъ божии. Ð²Ð¾Ð»Ò„ÐµÑ Ð½Ð° ÑьпаÑÑŒÐ½Ñ«Ñ ÑтраÑÑ‚ÑŒ ÑÑŠ вами придетъ. и на B<продании> Ñтанетъ. иÑкѹпѹÑштааго Ð¶Ð¸Ð²Ð¾Ñ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ñ ÐºÑ€ÑŠÐ²ÑŒÑ. ÑÐ²Ð¾ÐµÑ Ð¼Ð¸Ñ€ÑŠ.> L<Slovo::Plugin::Prodan> is a L<Mojolicious::Plugin> that extends a Slovo-based site and turns it into an online shop. =head1 FEATURES In this edition of L<Slovo::Plugin::Prodan> we implement the following features: =head2 A Shopping cart A jQuery and localStorage based shopping cart. Two static files contain the implementation and they can be inflated. The files are C</css/cart.css> and C</js/cart.js>. You should inflate these files into your public forlder C<domove/example.com/public> for the domain on which you will use it. Even not inflated these will be referred from any page of the site. The site layout C<layouts/site.html.ep> includes automatically these two static files if this plugin is loaded. # Inflate new static files from Slovo::Plugin::Prodan bin/slovo inflate --class Slovo::Plugin::Prodan -p --path domove/xn--b1arjbl.xn--90ae/public To add a product to your cart and make an order, you need a button, containing the product data. For example: <button class="primary sharer button add-to-cart" title="книжно издание" data-sku="9786199169001" data-title="Житие на Ñвета Петка БългарÑка от Ñвети патриарх Евтимий" data-weight="0.5" data-price="7.00"><img src="/css/malka/book-open-page-variant-outline.svg"> <img src="/img/cart-plus-white.svg"></button> See "A template..." below. =head2 Delivery of sold goods A "Pay on delivery" integration with Bulgarian currier L<Econt (in Bulgarian)|https://www.econt.com/developers/43-kakvo-e-dostavi-s-ekont.html>. =head2 Products Products - a products SQL table to populate your pages with products. You create a page with several articles (celini) in it. These celini will be the web-pages for the products. You prepare a YAML file with products. Each product C<alias> property must match exactly the celina C<alias> and C<data_type> on wich this product will be placed. See C<t/products.yaml> and C<t/update_products.yaml> for examples. See L<Slovo::Command::prodan::products> on how to add and update products. =head2 Products template for books A template for displaying products within a C<celina>. You can modify this template as you wish to display other types of products - not just books as it is now. See C<partials/_kniga.html.ep> inlined in this file's C<__DATA__> section. It of course can be inflated using L<Slovo::Command::Author::inflate>. The template produces the HTML from the products table, including the button mentioned above already. # Add the template form Prodan bin/slovo inflate --class Slovo::Plugin::Prodan \ -t --path domove/xn--b1arjbl.xn--90ae/templates/themes/malka =head2 Consents A section in the Prodan configuration for different settings - only urls for now. C<$app-E<gt>config('consents')> may contain any settings needed for the client side of the plugin not related dierctly to integration with deliverers or payment providers. =head3 GDPR and Cookies consent A GDPR and cookies consent alert in the footer which upon click leads to the page (celina) where all conditions on using the site can be described. When the user clicks on the link to the I<Consent> page a flag in C<localStorage> is put so the alert is not shown any more. This flag disappears if the user clears any site data and the alert will appear again if the user vists the site again. The Consent celina is created automatically in the localhost domain as an example. Search for C<gdpr_consent> in the source of this module to see how it is implemented. Settings: Keys Default Values -------------------------------------------- gdpr_url '/ѿноÑно/уÑловиÑ.bg.html' ihost punycode_decode(ed) current host =head3 Delivery prices URL This is just a setting for this plugin - C<delivery_prices_url>. Defaults to '/ѿноÑно/цени-доÑтавка.bg.html'. This is a place where the prices for delivery are described. The link is displayed at the bottom of the shopping cart widget. It is created automatically for localhost as the C<gdpr_url> =head3 phone_url Currently displayed as a link in the _footer_right.html.ep template. =head2 TODO some day =over 1 =item Invoices - generate an invoice in PDF via headless LibreOffice instance on your server. =item Merchants - a merchants SQL table with Open API to manage and automatically populate invoices. =item Other "Pay on Delivery" providers. Feel free to contibute yours. =item Other types of Payments and/or Online Payment Providers like online POS Terminals etc. =back =head1 METHODS The usual method is implemented. =head2 register Prepends the class to renderer and static classes. Adds some REST API routes, configures the deliverer. =head1 EMBEDDED FILES @@ css/cart.css @@ js/cart.js @@ img/arrow-collapse-all.svg @@ img/cart-arrow-right.svg @@ img/cart.svg @@ img/cart-check.svg @@ img/cart-off.svg @@ img/cart-minus.svg @@ img/cart-plus-white.svg @@ img/cart-plus.svg @@ img/cart-remove.svg @@ img/econt.svg @@ partials/_footer_right.html.ep @@ partials/_consents.html.ep @@ partials/_kniga.html.ep @@ resources/data/prodan_migrations.sql =head1 SEE ALSO L<Slovo::Command::prodan::products>, L<Slovo>, L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial/Stash and templates>, L<Mojolicious/renderer>, L<Mojolicious::Renderer>, L<Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering/Bundling assets with plugins>, L<Slovo::Command::Author::inflate> =head1 AUTHOR КраÑимир Беров CPAN ID: BEROV berov на cpan точка org http://Ñлово.бг =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Ordered by time of first commit. =over =item * Your Name =item * Someone Else =item * Another Contributor =back =head1 COPYRIGHT This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. This distribution contains icons from L<https://materialdesignicons.com/> and may contain other free software which belongs to their respective authors.