# NAME Authen::TOTP - Interface to RFC6238 2FA Version 0.0.1 # SYNOPSIS use Authen::TOTP; # DESCRIPTION `Authen::TOTP` is a simple interface for creating and verifying RFC6238 OTPs as used by Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo Mobile etc It currently passes RFC6238 Test Vectors for SHA1 # USAGE my $gen = new Authen::TOTP( secret => "some_random_stuff", ); #will generate a TOTP URI, suitable to use in a QR Code my $uri = $gen->generate_otp(user => 'user\@example.com', issuer => "example.com"); print qq{$uri\n}; #store $gen->secret() someplace safe! #use Imager::QRCode to plot the secret for the user use Imager::QRCode; my $qrcode = Imager::QRCode->new( size => 4, margin => 3, level => 'L', casesensitive => 1, lightcolor => Imager::Color->new(255, 255, 255), darkcolor => Imager::Color->new(0, 0, 0), ); my $img = $qrcode->plot($uri); $img->write(file => "totp.png", type => "png"); #...or you can pass it to google charts and be done with it #compare user's OTP with computed one if ($gen->validate_otp(otp => <user_input>, secret => <stored_secret>, tolerance => 1)) { #2FA success } else { #no match } # new Authen::TOTP my $gen = new Authen::TOTP( digits => [6|8], period => [30|60], algorithm => "SHA1", #currently only this supported secret => "some_random_stuff", when => <some_epoch>, tolerance => 0, ); ## Parameters/Properties (defaults listed) - digits `6`=> How many digits to produce/compare - period `30`=> OTP is valid for this many seconds - algorithm `SHA1`=> only SHA1 currently supported by the module as well as most (?) clients - secret `random_12byte_string`=> Secret used as seed for the OTP - base32secret `base32_encoded_random_12byte_string`=> Alternative way to set secret (base32 encoded) - when `epoch`=> Time used for comparison of OTPs - tolerance `1`=> Due to time sync issues, you may want to tune this and compare this many OTPs before and after ## Utility Functions - `generate_otp`=> Create a TOTP URI using the parameters specified or the defaults from the new() method above Usage: $gen->generate_otp( digits => [6|8], period => [30|60], algorithm => "SHA1", #currently only this supported secret => "some_random_stuff", issuer => "example.com", user => "some_identifier", ); Google Authenticator displays <issuer> (<user>) for a TOTP generated like this - `validate_otp`=> Compare a user-supplied TOTP using the parameters specified. Obviously the secret MUST be the same secret you used in generate\_otp() above/ Returns 1 on success, undef if OTP doesn't match Usage: $gen->validate_otp( digits => [6|8], period => [30|60], algorithm => "SHA1", #currently only this supported secret => "the_same_random_stuff_you_used_to_generate_the_TOTP", when => <epoch_to_use_as_reference>, tolerance => <try this many iterations before/after when> otp => <OTP to compare to> ); # Revision History 0.0.1 Initial Release # DEPENDENCIES [Digest::HMAC\_SHA1](https://metacpan.org/pod/Digest%3A%3AHMAC_SHA1), one of [MIME::Base32::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/MIME%3A%3ABase32%3A%3AXS) or [MIME::Base32](https://metacpan.org/pod/MIME%3A%3ABase32) [Imager::QRCode](https://metacpan.org/pod/Imager%3A%3AQRCode) if you want to generate QRCodes as well # SEE ALSO [Auth::GoogleAuth](https://metacpan.org/pod/Auth%3A%3AGoogleAuth) for a module that does mostly the same thing [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6238](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6238) for more info on TOTPs # CAVEATS Only SHA1 currently supported. It should be trivial to add SHA256 and SHA512, but I didn't bother Some stuff definitely isn't as efficient as it can be # BUGS Initial release...what do you expect ;) # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Github user j256 for his example implementation Gryphon Shafer <gryphon@cpan.org> for his [Auth::GoogleAuth](https://metacpan.org/pod/Auth%3A%3AGoogleAuth) module that does mostly the same job, but I discovered after I had written most of this # AUTHOR Thanos Chatziathanassiou <tchatzi@arx.net> [http://www.arx.net](http://www.arx.net) # COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 arx.net - Thanos Chatziathanassiou . All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.