The GCC project has many mailing lists, which are archived on the web (and searchable) as well as in mbox format. Please make yourself familiar with our policies before subscribing and posting to these lists.
Announcement lists:
Open lists:
gcc is a high volume list for general development discussions about GCC. Anything relevant to the development or testing of GCC and not covered by other mailing lists is suitable for discussion here.
Recruiting postings, including recruiting for GCC or other free software jobs, are not permitted on this list, or on any of the other GCC mailing lists. If you are interested in hiring a GCC developer, please visit the FSF jobs page.
All major decisions and changes, like abandoning ports or front ends, should be announced and discussed here. Ideally, this list should be sufficient to follow the major trends and important news in GCC's development process.
Read only lists:
jobs run by the gccadmin
account on is posted.Historical lists (archives only, no longer in use):
To post a message, just send mail to
Our lists have a maximum message size of 100KB, only the gcc-prs list allows for a larger maximum message size of 2MB. If your message exceeds this size, you should compress any attachments before sending it to the list.
We have a strong policy of not editing the web archives.
When posting messages, please select an appropriate list for the message and try to avoid cross posting a message to several lists.
Please refrain from sending messages in HTML, RTF or similar formats.
Please do not include or reference confidentiality notices, like:
The referring document contains privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it, and we request that you notify companyname immediately.
Such disclaimers are inappropriate for mail sent to public lists. If your company automatically adds something like this to outgoing mail, and you can't convince them to stop, you might consider using a free web-based e-mail account.
Notices like:
Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where they are specifically stated to be the views of companyname.
are acceptable, although they are redundant; unless explicitly stated, it's assumed that no-one on these lists means to speak for their company.
You will be able to subscribe or unsubscribe from any of the GCC mailing lists via this form:
If you're having trouble getting off a list, look at the
header on a message sent to that list.
It has your subscribed address included in it. Send mail to that address
(omit the mailto:
part) and you'll be unsubscribing yourself from
that mailing list. You'll need to confirm the unsubscription, of course.
Please trust in the List-Unsubscribe:
header. Every person
who has said "I can't get off this list! Unsubscribe me!" has found,
with enough prodding, that sending mail to the address listed in
does the trick.
If you want to use procmail or similar tools to process the GCC mailing lists, you can filter using the Sender: header, as well as all of the RFC2369 headers (List-Subscribe, List-Unsubscribe, List-Post, List-Archive, etc.).
For example, the following procmail rule will sort all mail from our lists into a single folder named INLIST.gcc:
* ^Sender: .*
To filter duplicate messages due to cross-posts to multiple lists, you can use the following recipe (Use at your own risk!):
:0 Wh: msgid.lock
* ^Sender: .*
| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
For further information on using the lists, send a blank mail to
(but note that this won't
currently work for the gcc list).
To reduce spam sent to the GCC mailing lists, a handful of Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBLs) are consulted. If you're sending mail from a site that is listed in one of these RBLs, contact your site administrator about fixing your mail setup. Spammers are taking advantage of your site to relay their spam.
Note that, if you are subscribed to a mailing list at, you will not be subject to any kind of spam blocking for that mailing list. However, if you are subscribed from one account and post from another then the posting account will be subject to spam block checking. To avoid this, you can put yourself on the "global allow" list for by sending mail to
(where translates to your email address with an "=" substituted for the "@"). This will bypass all spam checking for future submissions to the mailing lists.
You can use this technique if you just want to be able to send email to a list without receiving any email from the list. You can also give yourself posting privileges just for an individual list by replacing "global" above with the name of the specific list.
To complicate the harvesting of e-mail addresses from the web archives of the GCC mailing lists, some simple transformations are done on the e-mail addresses. It isn't perfect, but short of destructively modifying addresses or omitting addresses altogether, there isn't a whole lot we can do right now.
See also information about dealing with spam on the lists.
This search will allow you to search the contents
There is also a detailed search form.
Please send FSF & GNU inquiries & questions to There are also other ways to contact the FSF.
These pages are maintained by the GCC team.
For questions related to the use of GCC, please consult these web pages and the GCC manuals. If that fails, the mailing list might help.Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
Last modified 2006-11-20 |