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RE: [ethmac] About FlowControl and VLAN

On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, NewsGroup wrote:

> 6-Oct-00
>    Hi,
> 	Just had a new machine and got some of the old email that was stored on the
> server however some mail got lost so hope I don't say something that was
> already said.
> >-> FlowControl:
> >Well I found the corresponding information in the standard. I think it's
> nice to
> >have a FlowControl implemention on receiver side to disable the
> transmitter. But
> >what's about transmitter side - should there be any hardware support for
> sending
> >FlowControl frames?
> Just as you have in the reciver a simple counter that hold the transmiter,
> if your back side have no more space you should send a flow control to stop
> the other side from keep sending data.
> the simplest and as far as I know most used technique is simple to send
> either flow control packet with timer equal ffff or timer equal 0000 so it
> work in sort of Xon/Xoff .
> This methode is not only the simplest to impliment but in most case will
> give just the same performance as sending a calculated timer.

> have a nice day
>    Illan

just want to know, how to determinate the time which is needed to pause
frame transmission that to be sent in flow control packet ?

