README.txt ============================================================================== This directory is the main dissemination location for downloadable code, executeables and documentation that was created for the OpenTC (Open Trusted Computing) project. The OpenTC Project will define and implement a Trusted Computing framework, using separation properties of low level operating system layers ((para-) virtualization) and Trusted Computing components as defined by the Trusted Computing Group. The work on the project is co-funded by the European Commission through the 6th framework programme. If you need further information about the project, please visit our website or contact the coordinator: Technikon Forschungs- und Planungsgesellschaft mbH Richard-Wagner-Strasse 7, 9500 Villach, AUSTRIA Tel. +43 4242 23355 - 0 Fax. +43 4242 23355 - 77 Email Also,, the SUSE Security main contact address, can be reached at any time.