Applying /builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/feeds/packages/lang/python/micropython-lib/patches/001-build-unix-ffi.patch using plaintext: patching file tools/ Applying /builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/feeds/packages/lang/python/micropython-lib/patches/002-add-unix-ffi-os-path.patch using plaintext: patching file unix-ffi/glob/ patching file unix-ffi/os-path/ patching file unix-ffi/os/os/ Applying /builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/feeds/packages/lang/python/micropython-lib/patches/003-add-unix-ffi-uu.patch using plaintext: patching file unix-ffi/email.message/ patching file unix-ffi/uu/ Creating new index.json Generating bytecode version 6 micropython/upysh First-time package New version py=0.6.1 New version 6=0.6.1 micropython/net/ntptime First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/net/webrepl First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/mip First-time package New version py=0.2.0 New version 6=0.2.0 micropython/drivers/codec/wm8960 First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 micropython/drivers/led/neopixel First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/display/ssd1306 First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/display/lcd160cr First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/sensor/hs3003 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 micropython/drivers/sensor/lps22h First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/sensor/hts221 First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/sensor/dht First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/sensor/ds18x20 First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/sensor/mhz19 First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/bus/onewire First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/storage/sdcard First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/radio/nrf24l01 First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/drivers/imu/lsm9ds1 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 micropython/drivers/imu/lsm6dsox First-time package New version py=1.0.1 New version 6=1.0.1 micropython/drivers/imu/bmi270 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 micropython/drivers/imu/bmm150 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 micropython/aiorepl First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 micropython/udnspkt First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/lora/lora-stm32wl5 First-time package New version py=0.1 New version 6=0.1 micropython/lora/lora-sync First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/lora/lora-sx126x First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 micropython/lora/lora First-time package New version py=0.2.0 New version 6=0.2.0 micropython/lora/lora-sx127x First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/lora/lora-async First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 micropython/mip-cmdline First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/bluetooth/aioble-peripheral First-time package New version py=0.2.0 New version 6=0.2.0 micropython/bluetooth/aioble-server First-time package New version py=0.4.1 New version 6=0.4.1 micropython/bluetooth/aioble-core First-time package New version py=0.2.0 New version 6=0.2.0 micropython/bluetooth/aioble-security First-time package New version py=0.2.0 New version 6=0.2.0 micropython/bluetooth/aioble-l2cap First-time package New version py=0.2.0 New version 6=0.2.0 micropython/bluetooth/aioble-central First-time package New version py=0.2.1 New version 6=0.2.1 micropython/bluetooth/aioble-client First-time package New version py=0.3.0 New version 6=0.3.0 micropython/bluetooth/aioble First-time package New version py=0.4.1 New version 6=0.4.1 micropython/ucontextlib First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 micropython/urequests First-time package New version py=0.8.0 New version 6=0.8.0 micropython/bundles/bundle-networking First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/senml First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/umqtt.simple First-time package New version py=1.3.4 New version 6=1.3.4 micropython/urllib.urequest First-time package New version py=0.6.0 New version 6=0.6.0 micropython/umqtt.robust First-time package New version py=1.0.2 New version 6=1.0.2 micropython/aioespnow First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 micropython/xmltok First-time package New version py=0.2.1 New version 6=0.2.1 micropython/uaiohttpclient First-time package New version py=0.5.1 New version 6=0.5.1 micropython/espflash First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/__future__ First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/warnings First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 python-stdlib/datetime First-time package New version py=4.0.0 New version 6=4.0.0 python-stdlib/traceback First-time package New version py=0.3.0 New version 6=0.3.0 python-stdlib/quopri First-time package New version py=0.5.1 New version 6=0.5.1 python-stdlib/logging First-time package New version py=0.6.0 New version 6=0.6.0 python-stdlib/hashlib-sha256 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 python-stdlib/pathlib First-time package New version py=0.0.1 New version 6=0.0.1 python-stdlib/shutil First-time package New version py=0.0.5 New version 6=0.0.5 python-stdlib/inspect First-time package New version py=0.1.2 New version 6=0.1.2 python-stdlib/contextlib First-time package New version py=3.4.3 New version 6=3.4.3 python-stdlib/copy First-time package New version py=3.3.4 New version 6=3.3.4 python-stdlib/errno First-time package New version py=0.1.4 New version 6=0.1.4 python-stdlib/pkg_resources First-time package New version py=0.2.1 New version 6=0.2.1 python-stdlib/threading First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/operator First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 python-stdlib/functools First-time package New version py=0.0.7 New version 6=0.0.7 python-stdlib/time First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/base64 First-time package New version py=3.3.4 New version 6=3.3.4 python-stdlib/unittest-discover First-time package New version py=0.1.2 New version 6=0.1.2 python-stdlib/hashlib First-time package New version py=2.5.0 New version 6=2.5.0 python-stdlib/pprint First-time package New version py=0.0.4 New version 6=0.0.4 python-stdlib/itertools First-time package New version py=0.2.3 New version 6=0.2.3 python-stdlib/keyword First-time package New version py=0.0.1 New version 6=0.0.1 python-stdlib/hashlib-sha384 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 python-stdlib/string First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 python-stdlib/zlib First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 python-stdlib/tarfile First-time package New version py=0.4.1 New version 6=0.4.1 python-stdlib/venv First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/hashlib-sha512 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 python-stdlib/textwrap First-time package New version py=3.4.3 New version 6=3.4.3 python-stdlib/fnmatch First-time package New version py=0.6.1 New version 6=0.6.1 python-stdlib/hmac First-time package New version py=3.4.3 New version 6=3.4.3 python-stdlib/tarfile-write First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 python-stdlib/struct First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 python-stdlib/unittest First-time package New version py=0.10.3 New version 6=0.10.3 python-stdlib/json First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/uu First-time package New version py=0.5.1 New version 6=0.5.1 python-stdlib/types First-time package New version py=0.0.1 New version 6=0.0.1 python-stdlib/binascii First-time package New version py=2.4.1 New version 6=2.4.1 python-stdlib/argparse First-time package New version py=0.4.0 New version 6=0.4.0 python-stdlib/cmd First-time package New version py=3.4.1 New version 6=3.4.1 python-stdlib/collections-deque First-time package New version py=0.1.3 New version 6=0.1.3 python-stdlib/pkgutil First-time package New version py=0.1.1 New version 6=0.1.1 python-stdlib/ssl First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/heapq First-time package New version py=0.9.3 New version 6=0.9.3 python-stdlib/html First-time package New version py=3.3.4 New version 6=3.3.4 python-stdlib/collections First-time package New version py=0.1.2 New version 6=0.1.2 python-stdlib/bisect First-time package New version py=0.5.0 New version 6=0.5.0 python-stdlib/hashlib-core First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 python-stdlib/abc First-time package New version py=0.0.1 New version 6=0.0.1 python-stdlib/collections-defaultdict First-time package New version py=0.3.0 New version 6=0.3.0 python-stdlib/gzip First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 python-stdlib/hashlib-sha224 First-time package New version py=1.0.0 New version 6=1.0.0 python-stdlib/os First-time package New version py=0.6.0 New version 6=0.6.0 python-stdlib/tempfile First-time package New version py=0.0.1 New version 6=0.0.1 python-stdlib/curses.ascii First-time package New version py=3.4.3 New version 6=3.4.3 python-stdlib/os-path First-time package New version py=0.1.4 New version 6=0.1.4 python-stdlib/pickle First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/stat First-time package New version py=0.5.1 New version 6=0.5.1 python-stdlib/io First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-stdlib/random First-time package New version py=0.2.0 New version 6=0.2.0 python-stdlib/locale First-time package New version py=0.0.2 New version 6=0.0.2 python-ecosys/pyjwt First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-ecosys/requests First-time package New version py=0.8.1 New version 6=0.8.1 python-ecosys/cbor2 First-time package New version py=0.1.0 New version 6=0.1.0 python-ecosys/iperf3 First-time package New version py=0.1.4 New version 6=0.1.4 Creating new index.json Generating bytecode version 6 unix-ffi/getopt First-time package New version py=3.3.4 New version 6=3.3.4 unix-ffi/email.errors First-time package New version py=0.5.1 New version 6=0.5.1 unix-ffi/email.utils Traceback (most recent call last): File "/builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/staging_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/host/lib/micropython/tools/", line 388, in include exec(, self._manifest_globals(kwargs)) File "", line 4, in File "/builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/staging_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/host/lib/micropython/tools/", line 449, in require raise ValueError("Package '{}' not found in any known library.".format(name)) ValueError: Package 're' not found in any known library. During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/build_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/micropython-lib-20231031~d8e163bb/tools/", line 455, in main() File "/builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/build_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/micropython-lib-20231031~d8e163bb/tools/", line 451, in main build(args.output, args.unix_ffi, hash_prefix_len=max(4, args.hash_prefix), mpy_cross_path=args.mpy_cross) File "/builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/build_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/micropython-lib-20231031~d8e163bb/tools/", line 327, in build manifest.execute(manifest_path) File "/builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/staging_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/host/lib/micropython/tools/", line 251, in execute self.include(manifest_file) File "/builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/staging_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/host/lib/micropython/tools/", line 399, in include raise ManifestFileError("Error in manifest file: {}: {}".format(manifest_path, e)) manifestfile.ManifestFileError: Error in manifest file: /builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/build_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/micropython-lib-20231031~d8e163bb/unix-ffi/email.utils/ Package 're' not found in any known library. make[3]: *** [Makefile:136: /builder/shared-workdir/build/sdk/build_dir/target-arm_fa526_musl_eabi/micropython-lib-20231031~d8e163bb/.built] Error 1 time: package/feeds/packages/micropython-lib/compile#1.14#0.93#2.21