NAME Term::InKey - Perl extension for clearing the screen and receiving a keystroke. SYNOPSIS use Term::InKey; print "Press any key to clear the screen: "; $x = &ReadKey; &Clear; print "You pressed $x\n"; DESCRIPTION This module implements Clear() to clear screen and ReadKey() to receive a keystroke, on UNIX and Win32 platforms. As opposed to Term::ReadKey, it does not contain XSUB code and can be easily installed on Windows boxes. FUNCTIONS * Clear Clear the screen. * ReadKey Read one keystroke. * ReadPassword Read a password, displaying asterisk instead of the characters readed. Deleting one character back (DEL) and erasing the buffer (^U) are supported. This function accepts one argument. It can be an alternate char for displaying other than an asterisk, or if a negative number, suppresses output to the screen and only receives input. TODO Write a function to receive a keystroke with time out. Easy with select() on UNIX. COMPLIANCE This module works only on UNIX systems and Win32 systems. AUTHOR This module was written by Ariel Brosh (R.I.P), November 2001, for RAZ Information Systems. Now maintained by Oded S. Resnik COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 RAZ Information Systems Ltd. This package is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself, see the Artistic License on Perl's home page. SEE ALSO stty, tcsetattr, termcap, Term::Cap, POSIX, Term::ReadKey, Term::ReadPassword.