![Version 0.9.2](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-0.9.2-blue) ![Jason, the JSON parsing horse](https://github.com/jasperhabicht/jsonparse/assets/6378801/ddfddc70-bf5f-4121-ba45-4b9128875d85) # The `jsonparse` package The `jsonparse` package provides a handy way to read in JSON data from files or strings in LaTeX documents, parse the data and store it in a user-defined token variable. The package allows accessing the stored data via a JavaScript-flavored syntax. Using the commands `\JSONParseFromFile` or `\JSONParse`, JSON data can be stored in a token variable. Using the command `\JSONParseValue`, entries can be extracted from the stored data. --- Let's assume a file with the name `example.json` is stored in the working directory with the following contents: ``` { "givenName": "Joe", "familyName": "Public", "points": 1.7, "hasCertification": true, "address": { "streetAddress": "10 Main St", "locality": "Cityville", "postalCode": "12345" }, "contactPoint": [ { "contactType": "office", "telephone": "+1 (555) 555-1234" }, { "contactType": "mobile", "telephone": "+1 (555) 555-6789" } ], "children": [ "Tom", "Doug", "Harry" ], "memberOf": null } ``` We can store it in the token variable `\myJSONdata` using the command `\JSONParseFromFile{\myJSONdata}{example.json}`. Calling the command `\JSONParseValue{\myJSONdata}{contactPoint[0].telephone}` would then result in the output `+1 (555) 555-1234` (indices are zero-based per default). This package including all files is subject to the LPPL 1.3c license. Copyright 2024 Jasper Habicht (mail(at)jasperhabicht.de). Jason, the JSON parsing horse: Copyright 2024 Hannah Klöber.